mental health
mental health

Why is listening carefully important in conversations? How can someone become a better listener?

Listening carefully helps understand others better. To improve, focus on what's being said without distractions. ( something close to this you will also get points)


What is mental health?

Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.


Describe a time when you had to resolve a misunderstanding in a conversation. How did you handle it?

no incorrect answer


What role does social media play in our mental well-being?



How can we set boundaries in our relationships with peers and family members?

By communicating our needs clearly, asserting ourselves respectfully, and being firm about what is acceptable.


How do our actions without words affect what we say? How can we match our body language with our message?

Body language can change how our message is received. Practice matching body language with what's being said.


How can I tell if someone is struggling with their mental health?

Signs include changes in mood, behavior, or habits, and withdrawing from activities they used to enjoy.


How can using eye contact make communication bette

Eye contact demonstrates attentiveness, sincerity, and fosters a connection between speaker and listener. ( along the lines of this basically)


How does sleep impact our mental health and academic performance?

sleep improves mood, concentration, and memory, benefiting both mental health and academic success.


How can we manage our time on social media so it doesn't interfere with other activities(school)?

By setting limits, scheduling specific time for social media use, and prioritizing offline activities such as hobbies and homework.


Why is it good to understand others' feelings when talking? How can you do this better?

Understanding others' feelings helps build connections. Practice putting yourself in their shoes.


What are some of the most common mental health problems people face ?

depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.


How do questions that need more than "yes" or "no" help?

Questions that need more talking make better chats.


How can stress affect our mental health, especially during school?



What role does communication play in maintaining strong relationships with friends and family?

Communication helps build trust, resolve conflicts, and strengthen connections by expressing thoughts, feelings, and concerns openly.


How can someone talk differently to connect with different kinds of people, like older or younger folks

Adjusting your speech for different people helps them understand better. Pay attention to their reactions and adapt.


How can I support a friend who is experiencing mental health issues?

offer a listening ear and encourage them to seek support from a school counselor or trusted teacher.


Why is it good to talk like the person you're talking to? ( basically from matching their tone to their energy ) 

Talking like them helps them understand you better.


How can we take care of ourselves and stay mentally healthy when we have a lot of schoolwork?

We can take short breaks, get enough sleep, exercise, talk to someone if we're stressed, and ask for help when we need it.


What makes a healthy friendship?

Mutual respect, trust, good communication, and support for each other's well-being.


Why is it useful to get comments on what we say? How can you give helpful comments to others?

Feedback helps improve communication. Offer specific and constructive comments to help others grow.


What are some self-care practices that can improve mental health?

Exercise, getting enough sleep, practicing relaxation techniques


What is the significance of maintaining a calm demeanor during difficult conversations? ( Why is it important to stay calm when things get hard to talk about)

Staying calm helps keep the conversation on track and makes it easier to find solutions.


How can we create a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone's mental well-being at school?

We can promote kindness, respect diversity, encourage open conversations


How can we resolve conflicts with friends in a positive way?

By listening, being honest, compromising, and finding solutions that work for everyone involved.
