Do I like the brand nike
What are the 2taylor swift concerts they were like a movie
what is the reputation tour and the eras tour
What's tomorrow
what is foam party
What is the food dada would eat every day
What are the seven doarfs
Bashful doc dopey grumpy sneezy happy and sleepy
What is my favorite library
brooks library
When is Taylor swift birthday
what is December 13 1989 friday
There are 30kids signed up Gor summer camp now many came
What is the fruit I love
Get me a snacky
What was my fishes name
When was the lover tour
what is never
What is the world word for today
what is super
What is the vegetable I love
Am I doing soccer
What were all my teachers names
I will tell you
What is Taylor swift allergic to?
What is tree nuts
What is the third planet from the sun
what is earth
What is the food I love
bonnie pasta carbonara
Do I like hockey
How long did I do dance
what is 7
What is the Taylor swift song for july
what is delecate
What's up
chicken but
What is the food I hate the most
clam chowder
Would I do the gymnastics class again
yes I would