What is during homeroom, home, and specified class times.
When do I work on i-Ready?
Fantasy, mystery, fables, realistic fiction, historical fiction, and nonfiction are just a few of these.
What are different genres in the reading materials?
You must write a formal email to Dr Makepeace for this to possibly occur.
How would I communicate with someone about changing my elective?
All of these will count 60% of my grade.
What is the weight of an assessment, quiz, project or lab?
Your yellow CMS folder
What do you need to transfer papers from school to home?
Scores directly correlate with EOG scores
What is the purpose of i-Ready?
Individual goals are determined
How many points do I need to get during a 9-week period?
This occurs every quarter except Band
How often will Elective classes change?
The answer is 40%.
What weight will classwork and homework have on my average?
I need to charge my chromebook.
What do I need to do every day to be prepared for computer work in the next day's class?
They are Literature, Information, and Vocabulary.
What are the three categories in i-Ready Reading?
Your reading goal.
What are you expected to work on throughout the 9 weeks?
the tardy bell rings
When do you need to be in your seat in class?
There are four of these in a school year that are 9 weeks long.
I need to bring pencils and paper to every class.
What do I need for written assignments?
Numbers and Operations, Algebra & Algebraic Thinking, Measurement and Data, and Geometry
What are the categories in i-Ready Math?
You MUST have a book to read in all of your classes.
Do I need a book to read in each of my classes?
The answer is No. You must go straight to class.
Can I stop at the bathroom, the nurse, the library or any other location?
What does F1 mean?
Earbuds or headphones
What do I need to watch assigned videos?
What grade will I get for meeting my weekly i-Ready requirement?
ELA Class and homeroom
When can I take an AR test?
This is how time is allotted during the school day
What is a schedule?
The number of application grades.
Which category will you have the most grades?
Respect the teacher's supplies and materials
What do I need to do if the teacher has given me materials with which to work?