Pre-Nikkah Tea
10-Day Japan Flex
Post-Nikkah Tea

Name of the song that we first connected on.

Macklemore - Thrift Shop


Of the first ever "meal" (not the brownies) that Zarah made for Shiraz, name every component of it.

Protein pancakes, PB2 + yogurt, Pure peanut butter, blueberries, banana


What happened when doing Jiu Jitsu?

Zarah fell off the bed


Where was Zarah when we would call (First place + most common place)? Where was Shiraz (1 of 2 places you could name).

Zarah: Okinawa, most common was just her room

Shiraz: his basement, or in his car outside the masjid


What was the first show that Zarah and I watched together (which she kept PAUSING every 2 seconds). Bonus points if she can talk about the specific episode.

Black Mirror - The episode where a dude goes into a VR horror game


Name 1 word that Zarah has picked up from Shiraz's vocabulary.

Type beat, bet, anyways yo


Name of the halal chat?

Halal Chat


What was the name of the drink that we did our first baby-bird, and also felt high after drinking?

Chill Out


Name 1 word that Shiraz has picked up from Zarah's vocabulary (still get awarded points if it's a right answer and not listed here)

Aiyo, yee


What was the activity that I first came back from doing when I finally responded to your LinkedIn DM on May 18?

Biking around downtown Toronto


What was the first dress that Zarah asked me if she should wear for the second time I saw her?

White dress with pink flowers


What were the rewards for each party winning the Apple Watch challenge?

Zarah: Pick a trip location, that I can't say no to and we go there at a time of her choosing.

Shiraz: Date, cloud watching on a hill under a tree, zarah orders food in an accent and says Aiyo 3 times
