Who was the pillar of the church?
St Peter!
What two sections is the Bible broken into?
Old Testament and the New Testament
How many pieces of silver did Judas betray Jesus for?
20 pieces of silver
What was Jesus's first miracle
The wedding feast at Cana
Who was the disciple that Jesus loved?
Saint John the Apostle
What is the first book in the Bible?
What was the name of the Garden that Jesus suffered in?
How many loaves and fishes were there originally before Jesus's miracle
Five Loaves and two fish
Who betrayed Jesus?
How many books are there in the Bible?
73 books are in the Bible
Who denied Jesus three times?
How many people did Jesus raise from the dead
Who were Adam and Eve's children
Cain, Able, and Seth
How many gospels are there?
Four gospels
What did Jesus tell the weeping women?
'Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
Who walked on water with Jesus?
Who were Mose's siblings
Miriam and Aaron
What are the first five books of the Bible Called?
The Pentateuch
What are the 5 sorrowful mysteries
Who's ear does Jesus heal?
A servant of the Pharisees