show and example of a movement in the sagittal plane
bicep curl, walking, running ect.
define lateral
farther from the midline or median plane
what is flexion
the action of bending or being bent
what is kinesiology
the study of the mechanics of body movements
What plane of motion would a squat be in?
show an example of movement in the transverse plane
swing a golf club or baseball bat, or any rotation in the torso.
define proximal
nearer to the body
what is extension
lengthening, extending your arm/leg
what is physiology
the study of normal functions of living organisms and their parts
What is an exercise that would be in the transverse plane?
swinging a golf club of a baseball bat
show an example of a movement in the frontal/coronal plane
anything to the side of you, ex. raising your arms up and down to the side
define inferior
nearer to the feet
what is abduction
a movement away from the midline of the body
what is kinetics
the study of internal and external forces acting on the body
define medial
toward the center of the body
show an example of a horizontal movement, and tell us what plane of motion it is in
transverse is the correct word for horizontal plane
define anterior
nearer to the front
what is adduction
a movement toward the midline
what is arthrokinematics
the study of movement of joint surfaces
show depression
down movement
show an example of a vertical movement, and tell us what plane of motion it is in
sagittal or frontal/coronal plane
define superficial
nearer to the surface of the body
what is elevation
raising a limb
what is kinematics
the study of analyzing motion
show circumduction
moving joints in a circular motion