A resource to report workplace incidents of discrimination or harassment.
What is...the SpeakUp Hotline, any member of management, HR Advice & Guidance?
The required step before entering a patients room.
What is perform hand hygiene?
True or False: Contact-Enteric or C-Diff isolation rooms can be sanitized with traditional chemicals.
What is False? Bleach is required.
These types of shoes are best when working in wet environments.
What are non-slip shoes?
Putting blue solution in the toilet & v-tipping bath tissues are examples of this.
What are non-verbal Cues of Clean?
The time allotted for a Meal Period.
What is 30-minutes?
The PPE required for Contact Isolation Rooms.
What are gloves and gowns?
High-dusting can be done in occupied patient rooms being mindful to avoid these areas...
What are above the patient and their food?
When working with chemicals, these two types of PPE are required.
What are gloves and glasses?
This should be done prior to entering a patients room to respect their privacy.
What is knock and ask permission to enter?
The amount of days after the date of hire before associates can access their benefits.
What is 90 days?
True or False: PPE can be worn in multiple patient rooms.
What is false?
We say this to patients before we begin mopping their floors.
What is I'm going to be mopping your floors, so please don't walk on them for a few minutes?
This should be done prior to cleaning a patients room to ensure people are aware floors may be slippery.
What is placing a Wet Floor Sign at the entrance of the door?
The term E.V.S. is an acronym for these key tools we use when interacting with patients.
What is eye contact, voice projection and smile?
The appropriate amount of time before calling out for a scheduled shift.
What is 2 hours?
The mask required for Airborne Isolation Rooms.
What is N95 Respirator?
The TV Remote, light switch, sink faucet and door handles are all examples of this.
What are high touch areas?
These are all examples of lifting an object safely.
What is... bend at your knees, lift with your legs, hold the object near your body?
This is mailed to patients after they are discharged to see how their experience was.
What is the HCAHPS Survey?
The amount of Occurrence Points that result in a written warning.
What is 5?
The amount of seconds required when washing hands with soap & water.
What is 20 seconds?
AM Freshening, Daily Clean, PM Freshening, Turn Down Service/Floor Burnishing are steps of this.
What is Four Touch Approach?
This should be done if you encounter an exposed needle.
What is report it to your manager and ask a nurse to remove it?
A response we say to patients if they ask us to assist them physically.
What is...Unfortunately I am not qualified to assist in that type of care but allow me to get a nurse for you.