Case Management
Job Search Assistance
Education & Training
Work-Based Learning (WBL)

How many times are you required to update a client's employability assessment? 

Annually, at least. 


How many times per month should Employment First partners document a client's activities?

At least ONCE per month


List 5 types of Education & Training Activities.

Answers can include any of the following: 

GED Prep & Testing   |   Adult Basic Education

Literacy Instruction   |   Post-Secondary Education

Career/Technical Education & Vocational Training

English Language Acquisition   |   Employability Services (Work Readiness)


(True or False) WBL's are planned, structured learning experiences that take place in a workplace for a limited period of time. 


More Info:  WBL could be subsidized or unsubsidized. Also, structure training should include pre- and post-tests, progress reports signed off by the employer, progress check-ins between the employer, client, and case manager. 


An Individualized Service Plan must include what kind(s) of goal planning? 

Short-term and long-term


What is the minimum level of effort that should be spent working in an allowable Employment First activity? 

12 hours per month


(True or False) At this time, Education and Training programs are limited to the following in-demand industries: welding, auto mechanics, construction and plumbing, truck driving school, and HVAC. 


More Info: Education and Training is tailored to the desired skills and advancement opportunities identified in each client's employability assessment and is outlined in their ISP, regardless of industry demand. 


(True or False) WBL homework time completed by a client meets the work requirement and MUST be entered into CBMS. 


More Info: Homework hours meet the work requirement, but CANNOT be charged toward reimbursement.


Progress monitoring must include documentation in the case file and CBMS in a month for at least one of the following:

1. monthly meetings (virtual or in person)

2. phone calls  

3. _______________

4. _______________

3. correspondence via email or mail

4. attempted contacts to re-engage a client 


List the 3 allowable aspects of Supervised Job Search.

1. Skilled staff must supervise

2. Happens once per month

3. Happens at a state approved location


Your client would like to learn Spanish to be a more marketable candidate. Is this a permitted activity? Why or why not? 

Yes, but it must be reasonable and necessary.

More: Settings could include post-secondary education or vocational training. 


Your client is eager to turn their life around, but has long unemployment history. What kind of WBL activity would you recommend? 

Transitional Jobs

More Info: Please refer to your approved Program Operator plan and, if necessary, your provider network.
