Why is it the Rosetta plant important?
it allowed researchers to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic.
How was the Papyrus plant made?
It was made by they cultivated it then carved it and squished it into paper and other materials.
What were hieroglyphics written in?
Egyptian hieroglyphs are written in rows and columns.
When was the Rosetta Stone Found?
July 1799
What was the papyrus plant used for?
The ancient Egyptians used the stem of the papyrus plant to make sails, cloth, mats, cords, and, above all, paper.
What did the Egyptians write the hieroglyphs on.
They wrote them on papyrus and ancient paper made from reeds.
How was the Rosetta Stone Found?
While digging the foundations of an addition to a fort near the town of Rashid they found the Rosetta Stone.
How was the papyrus plant made into paper-like material?
It was cut into thin strips, pressed together, and dried to form a smooth thin writing surface.
What did the Egyptians use hieroglyphics for?
Egyptian hieroglyphics were used for record keeping, but also for monumental display dedicated to royalty and deities.
What was the Rosetta Stone used for?
It holds the key to understanding Egyptian hieroglyphs.
When did they start using the Papyrus plant?
around 2900 B.C.
When did the Egyptians discover hieroglyphics?
3100 B.C.
Who cracked the code of the Rosetta Stone?
Why was the Papyrus plant important?
The Papyrus plant was so important because it was made to write stuff down.
Where were the hieroglyphs mostly used?
Hieroglyphs were written on papyrus, carved in stone on tomb and temple walls