this shape has 3 sides and three angles
what is a triangle
color of the sky during the day
what is light blue
this letter comes after B
What is c
this is the number of fingers on one hand
what is five
this babyfirst baby is pink
what is Gaa Gaa
this shape goes round and round
What is a circle
grass begins with g like this color
what is green
This is the first letter of the alphabet
what is a
this number comes after 99?
blue babyfirst boy
What is Goo Goo
a kite is made with this shape
What is a diamond
this color is sunny
what is yellow
She went to the pantry to get her favorite pet a treat only to find the shelves empty
Who is Old Mother Hubbard
this number is spelled s-e-v-e-n
What is seven
He is a babyfirst bunny
What is Harry
this shape has 4 equal sides
What is a square
pumpkins are this color
what is orange
this is the last letter of the alphabet
What is z
this is how you spell the number 0
What is z-e-r-o
this babyfirst bird is Harry's friend
What is Larry
this shape can be found in the sky at night
What is a star
some apples are this color
what is red
vowels are a , e, i , o and this letter
What is u
Elijah is this many years old
What is two
these babyfirst characters are crayons
What is color crew