This is Canada's most produced vegetable
What are potatoes
This is Canada's most produced fruit (by weight)
what are apples
this farm animal is the largest contributor to the Canadian dairy industry
This province contains 34.7% of all of Canada's vegetable fields
What is Ontatio
This province produces the most fruit in Canada (in weight)
What is Ontario
This is the average amount of cows per dairy farm in Canada (answer may be within 5 cows of the actual answer)
What is 73
This vegetable Canada exports 5 times over than the amount they consume
What is British Columbia
This is the percentage of dairy farms in Canada that are family owned and operated (answer may be within 5%)
What is 98%
This vegetable is Canada's most imported vegetable
This fruit is Canada's most imported fruit
What are bananas
This province has the most dairy farms in Canada
What is Quebec
This vegetable is Canada's top exporter
What are cucumbers
What are blueberries
This province has the second highest amount of dairy farms in Canada
What is Ontario