Penalty for making contact with a mark
1 spin / 360
Lines connecting the sail to the mast and boom
Sail ties
This blue and yellow flag is raised after a start with too many boats over the line and is often followed with the I flag or Black flag
General recall flag
A windward telltale flying upwards indicates you should turn your boat this direction to maximize speed
Downwind / Down
Is spending more time on the short or long tack more beneficial to a fast upwind?
Long tack
Penalty for making contact with a boat that has right of way
2 spins / 720
Shows you where the wind is coming from
Wind pennant / Wind indicator
This yellow and black flag is raised to signify boats over the line with one minute remaining on the start clock must round either the comittee boat or pin before starting the race
I flag
Water appearing darker and moving faster indicates
A puff / more wind
This measurement is often taken before a start by lining up the start line with distant objects
Line sight
When actively protesting another competitor during a race, you must do this one thing directly following the rule being broken
Hail “Protest” as soon as possible
Line situated on the end of the boom that you must slide up the mast when fully rigging a sail
Boom Preventor
This red and white striped flag is raised to signify a delay of the start due to wind conditions
AP flag
Active postponement
If sailing backwards and facing forwards, moving your tiller this direction will point the bow of your boat to the left
To the right
This term is often used to make tactical decisons between races of unstable, oscillating, or unpredictable conditions and describes how strategies that yielded positive results in previous races may have a different effect in current races
Short-term memory
Which boat is in the wrong if the aft boat makes contact astern during a mark rounding
(See whiteboard)
The aft boat
Rubber piece connecting the tiller extension and tiller
This flag is raised before a start to signify that boats over line after 1 minute of remaining start time will be disqualified
Black Flag
This imaginary line indicates the closest point you can sail to, tack, and round a mark successfully
If port tack is favored on the upwind leg of the race, which tack is favored on the downwind?
Three boats are parallel on the start line, the most leeward boat attempts to head the middle boat up, but the most windward boat is obstructing. Contact is made between most leeward and middle boat, if time and opportunity is given, who is at fault?
(See whiteboard)
The windward boat above middle and leewardmost boat
Pintles and Gudgeons
This flag is raised before a start to signify that boats over the line with one minute of start time remaining will recieve a 20% scoring penalty
Z Flag
This movement effectively minimizes loss of speed and momentum through waves
Torking / Ooching
If a course is completely square and the wind shifts to the right, which tack is favored
Starboard tack