what is the the third note up of the treble clef
what instrument is commonly used in an orchestra
violin or viola
what is the other name for the treble clef
what does a sharp do to a note
raises a note by a semitone
what is the word for the spaces for the bass clef
what is the lowest instrument in band
what is the lowest clef
bass clef
what does a flat do to a note
lowers the note by a semitone
what is the phrase for the bass clef
All Cows Eat Grass
what instruments are played using a reed
saxophone, clarinet
what instrument is in bass clef (brass instruments)
what would an g note become when sharp
g sharp
what instrument can play the highest
the piano at C,8
what are the instruments are in the orchestra
cello, double bass, viola, violin
what instruments play in treble clef
clarinet, trumpet, sax, french horn, flute.
what does a flat do to the note B
turns the note into a Bflat
what is the note concert B flat on a trumpet
what instruments are in B flat
trumpet and clarinet
what does a clef tell you in sheet music
indicates the pitch of the notes on the staff
what notes have no sharps
E and B