Charlotte's ______
This Harry goes to a school of magic
Harry Potter
I have a little dreidel I made it out of _____
What is the name of the book called
the title
What are the two things most people put on latkes
apple sauce and sour cream
Where the _____Things Are
This hero is part dog and part man
Name two traditional Hanukkah foods
Sufganiot, latkes, gelt
Name any genre of books that you know
answers vary
What does "GN" stand for on the book spine
Graphic Novel
Ms. Nelson is ________
This crazy maid gets everything wrong
Amelia Bedelia
What does the word Hanukkah mean
What are the two main book genres
Fiction and Non-fiction
Who is the author of Cat in The Hat, The Lorax, Horton Hears a Who and many other books
Dr. Seuss
If You Give A ___ __ _____
Who is Piggie's best friend (must have the animal and the name)
Gerald the Elephant
What month in the Jewish calendar do we celebrate Hanukkah
Name three things you can find on the cover of the book
Title, author, illustrator
What do you call where the story takes place
the setting
Harold and the ____ _____
Purple Crayon
Who is the monkey that is friends with the man in the yellow hat
Curious George
What sentence do the letters on the dreidel represent in English
A Great Miracle Happened There
The year a book is published (becomes a book) is called
the copyright
What are the 3 houses made of in the Three Little Pigs?
Straw, sticks and bricks