This animal is commonly found in the savannas of Africa and is known for its long neck.
These animals are cold-blooded and often have scales. They include species like the cobra and alligator.
This fictional bear is friends with Christopher Robin and lives in the Hundred Acre Wood.
Winnie the Pooh
This animal is known for migrating thousands of miles each year, often traveling from North America to Central America.
monarch butterfly
This animal is known for its ability to regenerate lost limbs and is often kept as a pet in aquariums.
These animals live in colonies in the icy, cold regions of Antarctica.
This class of animals gives live birth, feeds milk to its young, and includes humans, dogs, and whales.
This tiger is the mascot for a breakfast cereal brand and is known for his catchphrase “They’re Great!”
Tony the Tiger
This bird is famous for its intricate mating dance, where it shows off its colorful tail feathers.
a peacock
This is the fastest land animal, capable of reaching speeds over 60 miles per hour.
a cheetah
This animal primarily inhabits the Amazon Rainforest and is known for its colorful feathers.
These flying creatures are known for their ability to migrate long distances and include species like eagles and owls.
This animated fish, voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, is on a quest to find her family.
This behavior in wolves involves howling to communicate with other pack members.
This aquatic animal has three hearts and blue blood.
This large mammal is typically found in oceans, often migrating thousands of miles.
a whale
These aquatic animals include species like trout, salmon, and tuna.
This famous ape is known for climbing the Empire State Building in the 1933 film.
King Kong
This animal is known for hibernating through the winter months to conserve energy.
a bear
This insect is known for its ability to jump long distances and is commonly associated with the phrase "leaping."
a grasshopper
This nocturnal creature is found in caves and feeds on insects.
a bat
This dog is known for starring in the "Beethoveen" movie series, where he causes chaos in a family home.
These animals communicate using a complex system of clicks, whistles, and body language, often seen in groups in the ocean.
This mammal is capable of flying and is the only mammal that truly does so.
a bat