The amount of salt in the water drives, and is the cause of ___
how do ocean surface currents form?
El Niño, La Niña, and neutral
What are the phases of ENSO?
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, a system of currents that move water and heat through the oceans
What is AMOC?
The properties of water allow for the transport of nutrients and are essential for fluid transport.
What is how the properties of water are important for life on Earth?
The ability to be dissolved, especially in water.
Wind, tides, temperature and salinity are all aspects to the formation of ocean currents.
How do ocean gyres form?
Changes in the strength of trade winds across the tropical Pacific Ocean
What are the distinguishing characteristics between the phases of ENSO?
Shutting down ____ could cause a dramatic cooling in the North Atlantic, and lead to reduced precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere. As well as potential disruptions to the monsoon systems.
What is shutting down AMOC and it’s impact on climate?
The water cycle allows water to transport to the surface and the sky. Evaporation carries water up and precipitation causes it to fall
What is how the water cycle plays into interactions between the atmosphere and oceans?
The weight of water per unit volume, or the mass of water divided by its volume.
What is density?
Thermohaline circulation causes colder, denser water to sink.
How do ocean deepwater currents form?
___ could cause warming sea temperatures and lead to stronger El Niño events.
What is global warming enhancing ENSO?
The heat required to induce phase changes.
What is heat of vaporization?
Currents are clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and counter-clockwise in the Southern hemisphere.
What is the flow direction of ocean currents?
A physical property of matter, defined as the amount of heat to be supplied to an object to produce a temperature change.
What is heat capacity?
This is the process in which currents carry heat around the world.
how do oceans transport heat?