Where was Jesus born?
Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
How many sons did the man have?
Two Sons
How many disciples did Jesus have?
What was David's job?
He was a shepherd.
What garden did Jesus pray in and sweat blood?
The garden of Gethsemane
What type of building was he born in?
He was born in a manger
What did the younger son ask for?
His inheritance or money
What were three disciples names?
Mark, Matthew, James son of Zebedee Luke, John, Simon Peter, James son Alpheus, Phillip, Bartholemew, Thomas, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot and Judas Isacariot
Who did David kill?
Which disciple cut off a soldier's ear to defend Jesus?
Simon Peter
Why did Mary and Joseph have to leave town to have the child?
King Herod was killing all the first born sons.
Where did the son go?
He went to a far away land.
What was the main job of the disciples?
To spread the gospel
How did he kill him?
With a slingshot
What did Jesus do with the ear that was cut off of the soldier?
He put it back on.
How did the shepards find Jesus?
The followed a star
What did he do with his money?
He squandered or used it all?
What did Jesus do for Simon the fisherman so that he would follow him?
After being out all night and not catching anything to pay his taxes. He made the fish so abundant they caught several large nets of fish.
What relationship did Saul have to David?
After being sent to Pontius Pilot, Caiaphas and being beaten what did he have to carry for miles?
He had to carry the cross he would be crucified on.
Who came to visit him after the shepherds. What did they have with them?
Three wise men with gifts of incense, frankincense and myrrh.
What did his father do when he went home?
He fattened a calf and had a celebration for him because he came home.
Which disciple betrayed Jesus? How?
Judas Iscariot. He sold information about where he was for only a few coins (shedkles)
Why did Saul want to kill David?
He was jealous of David and his fame for killing Goliath the giant.
After being buried in the tomb, how many days did it take for Jesus to rise again?
It was three days.