A famous Australian TV show that includes sea creatures.
How old is Mahant Swami Maharaj as of today?
91 Years old
Which animal has the same name as a sport?
What festival is on 14th January (next week)?
Uttarayan/Makar Sankranti
How many planets are in our solar system? Name them all.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
The most popular TV show on ABC kids
Play School
What is the childhood name of Pramukh Swami Maharaj?
Which animal is awake at night?
On which God's arrival do we celebrate Diwali?
Ram Bhagwan
What is the biggest object in our solar system?
The Sun
What is the name of the TV show that has one man and two birds?
Giggle and Hoot
2015 and 2018
What is the fastest land animal?
What is a festival that is celebrated between brothers and sisters? (this is a trick question)
Bhai Dooj
Which planet rains diamonds?
Which TV show is based on a bottle top?
The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill
What is Mahant Swami's favourite sport?
What is Australia's national animal?
What is another name for the festival called VijayDashami?
How old is our solar system? (approximately)
Hint: ___ Billion Years Old
4.6 Billion Years Old
What is the least popular TV show on abc Kids?
Dirt Girl World
In which year did Pramukh Swami receive diksha?
What is India's national animal?
(Extra points for the correct specie of the animal)
The Royal Bengal Tigar
Republic Day of India
What is the name of Saturn's biggest moon?