This was an imperial dynasty of China that began in 960 and lasted until 1279. It was the first in world history to issue banknotes or true paper money nationally and the first Chinese government to establish a standing navy.
Song Dynasty
This was the renewed emphasis on traditional Chinese philosophical views under the Tang and Song dynasties which focused on the removal of some of the more mystical and spiritual elements of Confucianism.
This was the period of time from roughly 795-1100 CE in which much of Europe and the Mediterranean were subject to violent raids, and sometimes settlement, by Nordic invaders.
The Viking Age
What was the name of the Inca state-run forced labor system?
mit'a system
This religion was considered a foreign threat to Chinese social harmony and persecuted, sacked, and largely destroyed in China by the Tang Dynasty through a series of edicts to help fund military ventures
This was the term used to describe the common state system in Medieval Europe and Japan that featured regional rulers protecting local peoples in exchange for labor services.
What was the capital of the Aztec confederacy?
What was the unique form of agriculture used by the Incans to combat flooding and collect water?
waru waru
This was a network of loose international relations focused on China which facilitated trade and foreign relations by acknowledging China's predominant role in East Asia and sending a scheduled envoy to China for tribute.
Tribute System
This was the term which reflected an oath of loyalty from vassals to their superiors within the hierarchical system of feudalism.
What was the iconic religious ritual that had been a staple in the Mesoamerican region for centuries?
human sacrifice
This was the sub-Saharan African state that remained an independent Christian kingdom until the 20th century
Solomonic Kingdom
This was an imperial dynasty of China that ruled from 618 to 907. Historians generally regard it as a high point in Chinese civilization, and a golden age of cosmopolitan culture. It is also known for its persecution of other religions.
Tang Dynasty
This was the term used to describe the labor system that featured the oversight and management of large estates by the nobility in Medieval and Early-Modern Europe and Japan.
What was the name of their unique form of agriculture that farmed from small islands?
This was the sub-Saharan African city-state that flourished as the tail end of a large interregional trade network that stretched as far as China
Great Zimbabwe
This was the Song institution that attempted to facilitate interregional trade by sea by incentivizing the buying and selling of imports and exports, as well as collecting tax revenue for the state based on commercial sales.
Maritime Trade Supervisorate
This was the practice in Medieval Europe in which vassals of the king and nobility—most-notably the peasant class—had the right to forage, hunt, fish, farm, etc., from the land on which they were legally bound.
common land
This was the name of the series of cities and settlements in the Mesoamerican region that achieved several accomplishments such the creation of step pyramids, astrological calendars, and the mathematical concept of zero.
Maya Civilization
These were series of city-states and kingdoms in West Africa that benefited from trade between the city states of the empires of Ghana, Mali, and the later Songhai Dynasty.
Hausa Kingdoms