What is the name of the disease ?
Name 4 paratenic hosts of Toxocara
Mice, rats, birds, rabbits, earthworms, chickens, pigs
What is another name for toxocara
What parasite causes this disease
How long is the typical treatment course of albendazole for toxocariasis?
5 days
About how many cases of this disease occur in the USA each year?
What are the definitive hosts of Toxocara?
Dogs and cats
What are 3 preventive strategies for Toxocariasis
Disinfect pet's living area, avoid dirt in your mouth, wash and peel vegetables, cook meat well
What is the first-line treatment for toxocariasis?
Toxocara canis
What is a key laboratory test for diagnosing toxocariasis?
Complete Blood Count (CBC) and IgE levels
Does the life cycle of Toxocara complete in a dog ?
Yes, it does.
What are the three types of Toxocariasis?
Convert, ocular and visceral toxocariasis
What is a key symptom of ocular toxocariasis?
Damage to retina, loss of vision
Where in the human does toxocara mature into an adult stage ?
Toxocara does not mature into adult worms in humans