Carly's Birthday
What is February 7th, 2008
Carly's First Bestfriend
Who is Kenzie Christina Lane
Carly's Favorite Soda
What is Diet Coke or Coke Zero
The Age Carly Got Her Cat
What is 16
Embarrassing Story About Carly
What is (your example)
Carly's Parent's Names
Who are Karen and Stacey
3 Types of Pets Carly Has Owned
What is: 1) cat 2) fish 3) snake 4) guinea pig 5) hamster
Carly's Favorite Style of Dance
What is Hip Hop or Ballet
Carly's Favorite Yng Trip
What is Camp Bob 2024
Carly's YnG Delegation
What is East Valley
Carly's Full Name
What is Carly Shaya Freeman Abrams
The three people here who went to preschool with Carly
Who are Kenzie, Charlie, and Johnnie
Two of Carly's Past or Present Food Obsessions
What is Chipotle, Go Greek, Sharky's, Starbucks, Poke, Sweetgreen
The Name of Carly's First Kiss
Who is David
3 of Carly's Allergens
What is 1) Gluten 2) Dairy 3) Corn 4) Soy 5) Tomatoes 6) Bananas, etc.
Carly's Birth City
What is Santa Monica
4 Sports Carly Has Been In
What is 1) Dance 2) Gymnastics 3) Volleyball 4) Basketball 5) Tennis 6) Swim 7) Cross Country 8)Rhythmic Gymnastics
Carly's Top Artist 3 Years in a Row
Who is Billie Eilish
The High School Carly Got Accepted to but Rejected
What is Notre Dame High School
2 Dance Studios Carly Has Danced At
What is 1) Liv Art 2) Millenium 3) Grand Academy of Ballet 2) Degas 5)Anna Cheselka 6) Creation Station
Weeks Early Carly Was Born (within 1 week range is accepted)
What is 6 Weeks
All Schools Carly has Attended (preschool-12th)
Church of the Chimes, Dixie Canyon, Millikan, Cleveland, Champs
Carly's Most-Watched Movie
What is Pitch Perfect
The Street/Mountain Carly Slid Down in a Car
What is Mullholand
What Carly was Questioned by the Police About
What is a fake story she told about Big Scary Man in All Black Threatening to Kidnap Her that her mom believed and reported to the police