The kind of muscle makes you move
What is skeletal muscle
The sport fencing is one of the most fastest combat sports that includes sword fighting.
What is fencing?
Who did James Early Ray assassinate in Memphis in April 1968?
What is Martin Luther King Jr.
Which of the following is the most used hashtag # on instagram?a) #earth b)#love c) #spammer d)#art
What is #Love
This animal has the highest blood pressure... A: Giraffe, B: Blue Whale, C: Elephant, D: Flea
What is a giraffe?
The Blood cells are made in this type of tissue in the bone
What is marrow.
The weapon that can score with the edge of the blade
What is a sabre?
Who's last words were,"Now it's on to Chicago, and let's win there"?
What is Bobby Kennedy
Which is the most viewed video on YouTube ever?
a) "Despacito" Music video b) "Gangnam Style" c) "Baby Shark Dance" or d) BTS's "Dynomite" music video
What is "Baby Shark Dance"
The planets make up this percentage of the mass in our solar system... A: 0.0135 %, B: 0.135 %, C: 1.35 %, D: 13.5 %
What is the percentage of 0.135% mass of our solar system?
the part of this connects muscle to bone
What are tendons
The weapon who is blade has the shortest maximum length.
What is a sabre?
Who was the first African American to win the Nobel peace prize?
What is Ralph Bunche
Which of these creators was the first to reach 100 million subscribers on Tik Tok?
a) Zach King b) Charlie D'Amelio c) Addison Rey d)Bella Poarch
What is Charlie D'Amelio
These are microscopic spheres of 60 atoms of pure carbon in a spherelike structure that resembles a geodesic dome... A: Hydrocarbons, B: Lipids, C: Crystals, D: Buckyballs
What is Buckyballs?
The small intestine does chemical digestion and absorbs nutrients into the blood stream
What does the small intestine do?
The heaviest weapon
What is an epee?
According to the Census Bureau, what are the five most common surnames in the United States
What is Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones and Brown
What is the best selling video game franchise of all time?
What is Nintendo Mario Franchise?
The first Earth Day was celebrated in this year... A: 1950 B: 1960 C: 1970 D: 1980
What is (c) 1970?
the nerves except the brain and spinal cord
what is the peripheral nervous system?
This electrical weapon has only one wire glued in the groove of the blade.
What is a foil?
Which city was the USA's first World Fair?
What is Chicago
Which of the following is the best-selling video game ever?(a) Minecraft, (b) Mario Kart, (C) Call of Duty (D) Roblox (E) Fortnite
What is Minecraft?
The largest hailstone recorded was closest to this object in diameter... A: basketball B: softball C: tennis ball D: golf ball
What is (a) Basketball?