When and where was the 1st mandated hunter education program held?
A. New Jersey, 1919
B. New York, 1949
C. Virginia, 1949
D. Oklahoma, 1919
B. New York, 1949
Small to medium sized with pale gray to buff yellow body; whitish underside; large ears; black-tipped tail
A. Ring-Tailed Cat
B. American Beaver
C. Mink
D. Kit Fox
D. Kit Fox
What is the international emergency sign for distress?
3 of any signal
What is the maximum jaw spread a conibear trap can have on land?
A. 8 inches
B. 6 inches
C. 7 1/2 inches
D. 5 1/2 inches
C. 7 1/2 inches
What is the season limit for bear?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 1
E. No limit
When was the Pittman-Robertson Act approved by Congress and when was it amended?
A. 1932 & 1960
B. 1937 & 1960
C. 1937 & 1970
D. 1960 & 1970
C. 1937 & 1970
Medium sized with short black legs and yellowish-gray hair. Medium white strip over head to nose, white cheeks, and black patch in front of each ear. Long front claws for digging.
A. American Beaver
B. American Badger
C. Common Raccoon
D. Opossum
B. American Badger
When hunting in a group of 3, the proper zone of fire is how many degrees?
45 degrees
Snares can only be used to trap which animal except where allowed by local law?
A. Bear
B. Fox
C. Coyote
D. Beaver
D. Beaver
What is the daily limit for Gray and Red Squirrel?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 2
E. No limit
The funds for the Pittman-Robertson Act come from a __% tax on sporting arms, ammunition, and archery equipment as well as a __% tax on handguns
A. 11% & 10%
B. 10% & 11%
C. 7% & 11&
D. 12% & 6%
A. 11% & 10%
Medium-sized with dark brown fur and white chin patch; tail slightly bushy
A. Mink
B. Nutria
C. Mountain Goat
D. Red Fox
What shot angle is preferred for both firearm and bow hunters for big game?
Every trap except for completely submerged Conibear traps must be checked after how long?
A. 48 hours
B. 72 hours
C. 1 week
D. 24 hours
24 hours
What is the daily limit for bobcat?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 5
E. No limit
During the 19th century, many game animals were hunted nearly into extinction. Bison were reduced to about ___ head.
A. 80
B. 200
C. 1,000
D. 800
D. 800
Pale gray; black face outlined in white; back of head is rust-colored; teardrop-shaped topknot. Female is brown with a buff-colored neck and smaller topknot.
A. American Woodcock
B. Barn Owl
C. Rock Dove
D. Gambel's Quail
Gambel's Quail
What does STOP stand for?
Stop, Think, Observe, Plan
Foothold trap chain lengths cannot be longer than __ inches, unless fitted with a shock-absorbing device
A. 12
B. 8
C. 6
D. 24
What is the bag limit for common snipe?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 3
E. No limit
If labeling private property with signs, signs should be ___ yards apart. If labeling private property with purple paint, paint should be ___ yards apart.
A. 200; 100
B. 400; 200
C. 100; 200
D. 250; 150
A. 200, 100
Dark brown coloring; legs are grayish. Large overhanging snout; dewlap on throat. Antlers on male are massive, palmate, and flat
A. Moose
B. Elk (Wapiti)
C. Mountain Goat
D. Mule Deer
A. Moose
What type of PFD is a throwable device?
Type IV
Which is the statewide trapping season?
A. Oct 28- Jan 1
B. Nov 1- Feb 26
C. Jan 4- Jan 25
D. Oct 1- Feb 28
D. Oct 1- Feb 28
What is the bag limit for woodcock?
A. 12
B. 10
C. 8
D. 3
E. No limit