What is egg decorating/painting/hiding?
The traditional activity of decorating and hiding eggs.
What are Peeps?
A small, brightly colored marshmallow candy shaped like a chick or bunny.
What is the Easter Bunny?
The animal that symbolizes new life and is believed to bring Easter eggs.
In Germany, what are Easter bonfires lit to ward off?
Winter (or Evil)
Who was resurrected on Easter Sunday?
What is Easter Sunday?
The Sunday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
What is an Easter egg?
A large chocolate egg often filled with smaller candies or treats.
What is the Bilby?
In Australia, this animal is sometimes used as an alternative Easter symbol due to the negative impact rabbits have on the ecosystem.
What are people throwing at other’s doors in Greece?
Pots (or Dishes, Plates)
The 40 days leading up to Easter represent what?
What is an Easter Sunrise Service?
A religious service held at sunrise on Easter morning.
What is Easter bread?
A sweet bread often decorated with candied fruit and shaped like a cross or wreath, popular in many countries.
What is a lamb?
A lamb cake is a popular dessert. What animal does it represent?
In Finland, what do children dress up as during Easter?
What day of the week was Jesus crucified?
What is Lent?
The period of fasting and repentance leading up to Easter, lasting 40 days.
What is a hot cross bun?
A type of hot cross bun that is eaten in the UK during Easter.
What is Jesus?
What does the lamb symbolize?
In Poland, what is the name of the Easter custom involving pouring water on each other?
Śmigus-Dyngus (or Wet Monday)
What was the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his crucifixion?
What is Maundy Thursday (or Holy Thursday)?
The Thursday before Easter, commemorating the Last Supper.
What is “Pane di Pasqua” (or Easter Bread with Eggs)?
A sweet bread with cooked eggs baked into the top, common in Italy and other parts of Europe.
What is new life?
What does the egg symbolize?
What are Easter trees decorated with in Germany?
Eggs (or Ostereier)
Who denied Jesus 3 times?