The human ear detects sound using this part.
(What is the eardrum?)
The type of electromagnetic wave with the highest energy.
(What are gamma rays?)
This occurs when a wave bounces off a surface.
(What is reflection?)
The energy of a wave is directly related to this property of the wave.
Answer: What is amplitude?
The formula to calculate the speed of a wave involves these two variables.
Answer: What is frequency and wavelength?
The pitch of a sound is determined by this wave property.
(What is frequency?)
This type of electromagnetic wave is used in night vision cameras.
(What are infrared waves?)
The bending of a wave as it enters a new medium.
(What is refraction?)
As the frequency of a wave increases, the energy carried by the wave does this.
Answer: What is increase?
This unit is used to measure frequency.
A sound wave with high amplitude sounds like this.
(What is loud?)
These waves are used in medical imaging to see bones.
(What are X-rays?)
The spreading out of waves as they pass through an opening.
(What is diffraction?)
This term refers to the transfer of energy through waves.
Answer: What is wave propagation?
If the wavelength of a wave is 4 meters and its frequency is 2 Hz, what is the wave’s speed?
The unit used to measure sound intensity (loudness).
(What is a decibel?)
This type of wave allows us to listen to music in the car without a CD or aux cord.
(What are radio waves?)
Two waves meeting and combining to form a larger wave is this type of interference.
(What is constructive interference?)
When you double the frequency of a wave, the energy of the wave increases by this factor.
Answer: What is four times?
The wave has a frequency of 10 Hz and a wavelength of 5 meters. What is its speed?
When a jet moves faster than the speed of sound, it produces this.
(What is a sonic boom?)
This type of electromagnetic wave causes sunburns.
(What are ultraviolet (UV) rays?)
A situation where waves cancel each other out.
(What is destructive interference?)
The speed of sound in air depends on this property of the medium.
Answer: What is temperature?
A wave travels at a speed of 15 m/s, and its frequency is 3 Hz. What is the wavelength?