Who is Security supposed to call to confirm info when doing a release/intake?
Nursing Supervisor
What collisions does Security respond to?
All accidents on Medical Center Campus
When interviewing nurses what info do we ask for?
last time they saw them and where.
What info do you need from staff when logging in patient property?
They're name.
Who has the call sign of 900 and 901
Kevin and shaun
Name all 4 morgue areas.
2 Gray, 4 gray, 5 Gray, Infant Cooler
Can Security give a copy of our Report to the Driver/Passenger of a collision?
What will security not discuss with the patient?
Liability and paying for new ones.
Who has access to patient property?
Security and medical staff.
Who was the other artist to join Kendrick Lamar in the halftime show?
Where are all the deceased children over 1 years of age placed?
2 Gray - Slot H
What info should be entered into ECCOM?
Plate Number
Name of Passenger/Driver of both parties
Picture of Damage.
Where is the first place we should have nursing staff check?
The patient's mouth.
What should security do if nursing staff bring a bag that doesn't secure?
Send them away until they get a white bag that can secure.
How many bones does a shark have?
What does Security fill out in the morgue log book?
Your Name
What are the 2 reasons Security must notify Law Enforcement?
Damage in excess of $1000
Personal injury
List at least 3 other departments that might have info on the dentures?
Laundry, EVS, Dietary, Respiratory.
What key unlocks the oversize storage?
How many hearts does a worm have?
Obtain belongings and give to Transporter
Have transporter sign the form
Give the Yellow copy to Transporter
Who does Security need to notify when significant damage is reported?
Risk Management
If the dentures were charted and if they were given a cup.
What number is linked to the bar code when you scan the patient sticker?
What is the 3rd law of motion?
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.