What is the skin?
This is the largest organ in the human body.
What is the aorta?
This is the main artery that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body.
What is the diaphragm?
This is the muscle responsible for helping the lungs expand and contract during breathing.
What is ATP?
This molecule is the primary energy currency of the body.
What is biomechanics?
This term refers to the study of forces and their effects on human movement.
What is a ball-and-socket joint?
This type of joint is found in the shoulder and hip, allowing for a wide range of motion.
What has four chambers
The heart has this many chambers.
What are alveoli?
These tiny air sacs in the lungs allow for gas exchange with the bloodstream.
What is ATP-PC
This energy system provides quick bursts of energy and does not require oxygen
What is flexion?
A squat is an example of this type of movement that decreases the angle of a joint
What bine is located in the upper part of the leg?
The femur is located in this part of the body.
What is a vein?
This type of blood vessel carries blood toward the heart.
What is the trachea?
This structure, commonly called the windpipe, connects the throat to the lungs.
What are carbohydrates and fats?
The aerobic energy system primarily uses these two macronutrients for energy production.
What is friction?
The force that resists motion and occurs when two surfaces come into contact is called this.
What is cardiac muscle?
This type of muscle tissue is found only in the heart.
What are platelets?
This component of blood helps in clotting and wound healing
What is carbon dioxide?
This gas is exhaled from the body after oxygen is used.
What is anaerobic glycolysis?
The breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen is known as this process
What is an equal and opposite reaction?
Newton's Third Law states that for every action, there is this
What is the clavicle?
his bone, also known as the collarbone, connects the arm to the body.
What is 60-100 bpm?
The resting heart rate of an average adult is approximately this many beats per minute.
What is the heart?
The left lung has fewer lobes than the right lung due to the position of this organ.
What is the anaerobic lactic system?
Lactic acid buildup occurs primarily in this type of energy system
What is transverse?
The three main planes of movement in human motion are sagittal, frontal, and this