What 2 miracles did Yitro hear that made him want to come to closer to Bnei Yisroel
Miracles of Kiryat Yam Suf
War with Amelek
What happened on the second day of creation?
sky and waters
What sefer do we use to read the story of the Megillah
Megillas Esther
Moshes Parents name?
Amram and Yocheved.
How did Moshe greet Yitro? 3 things
1. He bowed to him
2. he kissed him
3. he asked about his wellbeing
How is Morah Itaya and Mrs Schachna related?
whats one midrash about why we eat Hamantishin?
Cause Hamans ears were triangles
Who was Yehudas mother?
Why did Moshe tell Yitro about all the things Hashem did for Bnei Yisroel again?
To draw his heart even closer.
Explain what a Shemita year is
Who were the 2 servants that were talking about Achashvarosh?
Bigton and Terish
Who wrote the Tanya?
Alter Rebbe
What happened to Yitros skin when he heard about what happened to the Mitzrayim
he got the shivers
What is Shabbos Mevrachim
The shabbos before Rosh Chodesh
How long did the party go on for?
One midrash says: 70 years
Who was the Rebbes wife?
Rebbitzin Chaya Mushka
What are the 2 words Yitro said after he heard everything ?
Baruch Hashem
When do we say Tefillas HaDerech?
What was Hamans daughter called?