What does Ar-Rahman mean?
What is the All Merciful?
Who was the tribe of Musa?
Who is Bani Israil?
How many surahs are in the Quran?
What is Nisab?
The minimum amount of wealth or property in which Zakah should be paid
What is the second month in the Islamic calendar?
What is the month of Safar?
What does al-Quddus mean?
What is The Holy, The Pure?
Who was the woman who tried seducing Yusuf?
Who is Zulaykha?
How many Bismillahs are in the Quran?
What is I'tikaf?
Staying in the masjid in one spot constantly remembering Allah. This is usually done during the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
In how many days did Allah create the Earth?
What is #6?
What does the name of Allāh Al-Qādir mean?
What is The Competent?
How many tribes are there in Bani Israil?
What is #12?
What is the name of the 7th surah in the Quran?
What is Surah Araf?
What is done after the second takbir in Janazah Salah?
Allahuma salli, Allahuma barik
How many times did the Prophet recite a rotation to Jibril during his last Ramadan?
What does the name Al-Muntaqim mean?
What is the Avenger, the Retaliator, the Disapprover?
Where did Maryam move to when she was giving birth?
Where is Bethlehem?
Which prophet is mentioned the most the Quran?
Prophet Musa
What can one do if they don't have water for wudu
Make Tayammum
What are the 2 times in the day that the people in the highest level of Jannah will see Allāh?
What is Fajr and Asr?
What does Al-Muqsit mean?
What is the Equitable, the Requiter?
How many surahs are named after prophets? (Guess within a range of 3)
What is #6?
How many prophets are mentioned in the Quran?
Make ibadah at Arafah
Name one (specific) thing Bani Israil asked for when they were receiving manna and salwa from Allah.