The Capital of Texas
What is Austin?
Only Mammal Capable of True Flight
What is a Bat?
The FIFA World Cup is the biggest tournament in this sport
What is Soccer?
"First thing first, rest in peace Uncle Phil"
Who is J.Cole (No Role Modelz)
This zebra, from Madagascar, dreams of running wild and free outside the zoo.
Who is Marty?
He appears on the $5 bill
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Only Continent Where Kangaroos are Found
What is Australia?
Before LeBron James joined the Lakers in 2018, this Lakers superstar led the team to five NBA championships in the 2000s.
Who is Kobe Bryant?
"You thought I was feelin' you"
Who is Ice Spice (Munch)
This Viking boy is the main character of the How to Train Your Dragon movies.
Who is Hiccup?
He is the Greek God of War
Who is Ares?
This Animal is the Largest on Earth
What is a Blue Whale?
This NFL team holds the record for the most Super Bowl wins, tied with the Pittsburgh Steelers at six championships.
Who are the New England Patriots?
"Diamonds on me dancin', pinky rings full of crystals, baby. Big Za in da building, come and take a picture bae"
Who is BossMan DLow (Talk My Sh--)
Lightning McQueen competes in this major racing event in the first movie.
What is The Piston Cup?
This Singer, known for her hits "Problem" and "7 Rings", was also a Nickelodeon Actor.
Who is Ariana Grande?
This bird is the only one that can fly backwards
What is a Humming Bird?
The Term for Three Consecutive Strikes in Bowling
What is a Turkey?
"I'm wearin' booty shorts, 'cause my paper long. It's a Friday night my man ain't at home"
Who is Glorilla? (Whatchu Know About Me)
In Pixar’s “Up”, Carl and Ellie dreamed of traveling to this real-life South American location, where Carl eventually flies his house.
What is Paradise Falls?
The name of a group of ants
What is an Army?
Name for a Baby Goat
What is a Kid?
In baseball, hitting a home run with the bases loaded is called this.
What is a Grand Slam?
"I been losin' friends and findin' piece, but honestly that sounds like a fair trade to me"
Who is Drake (Fair Trade)
After defeating Metro Man, Megamind accidentally creates this new villain.
Who is Titan? (Hal Stewart)