What Figurative Language is the following?
I'm as fast as the speed of light
What is a simile
What story element is how the problem is solved.
What is resolution
What is the cause of the following?
I had to get the mop since I spilled my juice.
What is since I spilled my juice.
what words help you know if a story is in 1st person pov?
What is I, my, we
What is Theme?
What is the message, moral or lesson the author is trying to teach you.
What Figurative Language is the following?
I am a slug when I run
What is Metaphor
The lesson, message or morale of the story.
What is theme
What is the effect in this sentence? Because of the Big Mac price increase, McDonald's sales are down.
What is McDonald's sales are down.
True or false? 3rd person pov uses he, his, she, her.
What is True
Is this a theme: Lindsey is a kind person
What is no
What Figurative Language is the following?
you could of knocked me over with a feather
What is Hyperbole
The problem reaches it's highest, most intense point.
What is the climax
What is the cause of the following?
Maria didn't follow the recipe correctly, so the cake did not come out as expected.
What is Maria didn't follow the recipe correctly.
what pov is this? "The babys crys were drving her crazy along with someone kicking the back of her seat."
What is third person
Theme or not a theme?
Love can make you care more about others than you do about your own life when put to the test.
What is a theme
What Figurative Language is the following?
The sky was full of dancing stars
What is Personification
The people, animals, or imaginary creatures are the ______ of a story.
What is characters
What is the cause of the following?
Many plants and animals in the water died because an oil spill caused crude oil to spill into the ocean.
What is oil spilled in the ocean.
What is an example of third person?
What is Ben loves peanut butter or anything using Them, he, him, her etc.
Jason stole his sisters phone and hid it but 1 day later when his sister had found her phone Joson was going to the bathroom and he dropped his phone in the toiet. (what is the theme of this story)
What is Don't steal
What Figurative Language is the following?
I'm as slow as the flowers blooming.
What is simile
The problem in the story is starting to get solved.
What is Falling action
What is the effect of the following?
The streets were snow-packed and icy; therefore, cars needed more time to stop.
What is cars need more time to stop
What point of view is the following?
On a rainy afternoon, Tommy sat by the window, gazing at the raindrops as they slid down the glass. He felt a sense of calm wash over him.
What is third person
What is the theme of Goldilocks and the three bears theme
What is think about your actions might affect others.