First, mix the ingredients in a bowl. Next, scoop the dough onto a baking sheet. Then, bake the cookies in the oven. Finally, let them cool and enjoy!
How is this passage mainly organized? compare & contrast, problem & solution, cause & effect, or sequence
What is sequence/logical order
What words suggest that the author is organizing the information in sequential/logical order?
First, next and last or solution, issue and probem
What is first, next, and last
Mia wanted a YouTube channel. She planned videos, learned editing, and posted often. Soon, she gained more subscribers!
What is the main idea? YouTube is easy or Mia worked hard on her channel.
What is Mia worked hard on her channel
Jessica saved up her money to buy AirPods. She used them to listen to music and watch YouTube videos, without wires getting in the way.
Which detail supports the idea that AirPods made Emma’s life easier? They let her listen to music wirelessly or She lost them right after buying them.
What is they let her listen to music wirelessly
Where can you find the definition of a bold word in the passage?
What is glossary
Minecraft lets players build and explore, while Fortnite focuses on survival and competition. Both are exciting games with millions of fans.
How is this passage mainly organized? compare & contrast, problem & solution, cause & effect, or sequence
What is compare and contrast
What words suggest that the author is organizing the information in problem and solution?
First, next and last or problem, issue and solution
What is problem, issue, and solution
Miss Denny loves Starbucks. She enjoys trying new drinks and snacks while planning in the café.
What is the main idea? Miss Denny likes Starbucks or Starbucks only sells coffee
What is Miss Denny likes Starbucks
Jaxon and his dad went to an OKC Thunder game. They wore team jerseys, cheered loudly, and watched their favorite players make amazing shots.
What supporting idea explains why Jaxon had an awesome time at the game? He ignored the game and played on his phone or he cheered, wore a jersey, and watched great plays.
What is he cheered, wore a jersey and watch great plays
Where do you go to find the defintion/meaning for a word?
What is dictionary
Bryan's video game kept lagging, making it impossible to win. He deleted old games, restarted his console, and finally, the game ran smoothly.
How is this passage mainly organized? compare & contrast, problem & solution, cause & effect, or sequence
What is problem and solution
What words suggest that the author is organizing the information in compare and contrast?
but, and, however or because, as a result, so
What is but, and, however
Miss. T started a small business selling bracelets. She spent time designing them, promoting them on social media, and packaging orders. Soon, her business became popular!
What is the main idea? Miss. T worked hard to grow her business or Social media is bad for business.
What is Miss. T worked hard to grow her business
Emma wanted to create her own Roblox game. She spent hours coding, testing, and improving it. When she released it, thousands of players joined!
What detail supports the idea that Emma worked hard on her game? She spent hours coding and testing or she never tested her game.
What is she spent hours coding and testing
Which of the following would you use to to replace the word great?
What is thesaurus
Emma saw a TikTok about the 6'7" trend and laughed. Later, she showed her friends, and soon they were all making their funny videos
How is this passage mainly organized? compare & contrast, problem & solution, cause & effect, or sequence
What is cause and effect
What words suggest that the author is organizing the information in cause and effect?
but, and, however or because, as a result, so
What is because, as a result, so
Sarah joined the volleyball team. She practiced serving and spiking. After training, she helped her team win!
What is the main idea? Serving is hard or Sarah improved with practice
What is Sarah improved with practice
Mia’s basketball team wanted to win the championship. They practiced every day, watched game footage, and learned new plays.
Which supporting detail explains why Mia’s team won? They didn’t listen to their coach or they practiced every day and study footage.
What is they practiced every day and study footage
What is this called: planet¹
What is footnote
In soccer, forwards focus on scoring goals, while defenders protect their side of the field. Both are important for winning games.
How is this passage mainly organized? compare & contrast, problem & solution, cause & effect, or sequence
What is compare and contrast
What is this chart called and what is it used for?
Jordan struggled with a tricky Lexia level. Instead of giving up, she reviewed her mistakes, practiced, and stayed determined. After practicing, she passed and unlocked new units!
What is the main idea? Jordan gave up when Lexia got hard, or Hard work and practice helps overcome challenges.
What is hard work and practice helps overcome challenges
Noah and his friends went to an amusement park. They planned their day, rode the biggest roller coasters, and tried all the best snacks.
What supporting details explain why they had a great time? They planned their day and rode all the rides or They got lost and left early.
What is they planned their day and rode all the rides
Trip: 1).Journey to a place 2).The act of falling
Which best fits the meaning of taking a trip somewhere?
What is 1). Journey to a place