what is a basic belief of the declaration of independence
all people are created equal
who in the U.S government has the power to formally declare war ?
which founding fathers political career ended when he was shot ina duel ?
Alexander Hamilton
how was the thirteenth amendment important to American civil rights
it freed all slaves and abolished slavery in the u.s
what are the first ten amendments to the constitution called ?
the bill of rights
what is the U.S congress ?
the legislative branch of the federal government, the U.S House of Representatives, and the U.S senate
the founding father from Virginia said , “give me liberty or give me death”
Patrick Henry
what did the civil rights movement in the united states accomplish ?
it led to the desegregation of public schools, the civil rights act of 1964, and the desegregation of buses
how many changes or amendments have been made to the constitution ?
what are the requirements to be the president of the U.S ?
he or she must be a natural-born of the U.S and must be at least 35 years old, must have lived in the U.S for at least fourteen years
this founding father signed the declaration of independence and the constitution, and helped to set up the U.S postal system.
Benjamin Franklin
the civil rights act prohibited discrimination in which places ?
voting places , public facilities, and workplaces
which of the following rights does the bill of rights guarantee ?
the right to a fair trial, the right to bear arms and free speech
who became president of the U.S if the president is unable to stay in office ?
the vice president
which founding father and signer of the declaration of independence was known for his bold, distinctive signature ?
John Hancock
which rights are guaranteed by the first amendment ?
the freedom of speech and the press, the freedom of religion and to peaceful assembly, and the ability to request change of the government
what is the U.S capital building ?
the place Washington, D.C., where the U.S congress meets