Code Blue
Cardiac Arrest; call 11911or 9911
Whats on the activity cart
What does NPO stand for?
Nothing Per Oral
What is a 501c3?
A nonprofit organization
Code Black
Tornado Warning; seek shelter
Whats on the coffee cart
What does purple dot mean?
Aggressive patient
What is a nonprofit, and why do we have to do fundraising?
We rely on public donations, private donations, and grants/special fundraising. We have to do fundraising because we do not get paid by the hospital?
Code Purple
Aggressive/ disruptive person; call 11911
Whats on the popcorn cart?
Popcorn machine, corn kernels, bags, cookies, money box, etc...
What does the falling star mean?
Fall Risk
What are all 7 graduate colleges on the OUHSC campus?
College of Medicine, Nursing, Allied Health, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Public Health, Graduate School
Code Orange
Hazardous exposure/contamination; stay or report to your unit
What genres are on the book cart?
BONUS: What must you do before a patient touches the book?
Fiction, Western, biography, hope & faith, Spanish
BONUS: HAND SANITIZE patient's hands
Contact, airborne, everything
How many digits are on north tower and south tower floors?
North Tower: 4 digits
South Tower: 3 digits
Code Green
Does not exist
Department of Corrections
ER: 3667#