The White house location
What is Washington D.C.
The fastest runner in the world
Who is Usain Bolt
The fastest swimmer in the class
Who is Claramilla
The number of years Lene Balle has been in charge of Ågård
What is 4
The first man on the moon
Who is Neil Amstrong
The most eaten meal
What is burger
How many times has Denmark won VM in handball for males
What is four times
The year Ågård boarding school started
What is 1961
Shows we are going to do on our turné
What is 29
The biggest animal on the planet
What is a blue whale
Amount of states in USA
What is 50
The country with the most wins in VM football for males
What is Brazil
The amount of girls at Ågård 24/25
What is 75 girls
The lowest woman in the world
What is 63 cm
The price of a normal drink bottle from Planet Nusa
How much is 185 kr
The state with the most inhabitants
What is New York
The most physical hard sport in the world
What is boxing
Snowboarders at the ski trip with Ågård 24/25
What is 14
Boys with a piercing at Ågård
What is 8 boys
Justin Biebers most streamed song
What is Love Yourself
The first president in USA
Who was George Washington
The record for pole vaulting at the Olympic Games
What is 6,25 meters
Jens's favorite song from the songbook
What is Hallelujah or number 479
Muscles a cat has in the ear
What is 32
The capital of Burkina Faso
What is Ouagadougou