who does attendece at chapter
what is our next theme for our darty when we get back from break
case race
and I have no fuckiong house
who did sig chi have today
what sorority did leah also want
who are the two presidents that are dating
cause im too cansu
and my names eve durall
who did we have for wigs and cigs
kd but all of axid came
whos heal broke during rush
who got with all 3 men house
kat holland
how many times have i cancelled in general bc of no house
cause im to bmac
and listen listen listen
who made the last jeprody game
who gets honor board the most
sof dop
who did gordon get with in zta ( 2 answers)
jules and ZUCK
what did i get for breakfast at mcdonalds
pancakes and sausge and a hashbrown
cause im to tony
and i have champagnge breafast
2nd best feature of lambda house
tree outside
who went skiing
kiley bell
who is the house manager
haley blair
what is my old room number
cause im too conroy
and I got with leahs little
what year was sig chi founded
cause im too peggy
and then im to teddy xi