Abby's dog that can play fetch
Who is Terrie?
what is moana 2
the place we went on our first date
Mcmahon for lunch
my favorite current or past bar
abbys phone model
the name of my smallest bird
who is kelly
The show that abby has rewatched the most
What is New Girl?
the restaurant we went to the first time you met my parents
vernon diner
the party we met at
what is mathletes vs athletes
what is the letter y
The supposed breed of Minnie (2)
What are a beagle and dachshund?
Abbys favorite Despicable Me movie
Despicable me 1 or 2
the building me, you, will, and his then girlfriend went to study one day
what is oak
the color dress i wore to your junior year formal
what is pink/purple
The types of dogs my parents used to have 15-20 years ago
What are greyhounds?
Abbys favorite rom-com
What is how to lose a guy in 10 days?
a city we both want to visit
what is nashville, tennessee
who is hassan diarra
the names of all of abbys siblings
who are emily, jon , nathaniel
The green and yellow singing bird
Who is Zippy?
abbys 2 favorite disney princess
who are tiana, rapunzel
who is winston
abbys favorite spot to study on campus
busn or wilbur
5 deerfield