This person went to the same high school as Tupac.
Who is Jack?
Defense moved to exclude this under MRE 403
What is post-incident photos of any part of Avery Bancroft's body?
Midlands doesn't actually recognize this type of witness, but rather this type of testimony
What is an expert and expert testimony?
True or False: According to Section 1, while you cannot allege your own testifying witness single-handedly killed Bancroft, both the Defense and Plaintiff can allege that one of their witnesses worked in cahoots with an opposing witness to kill Bancroft.
False. You can't accuse any of your witnesses of being involved in Bancroft's murder in any way
The third oldest pull-up
Who is Jeannine?
This party(ies) objected to Bailey Connel's statements and testimony because of their age
What is both P and D? (Section 6)
A motion to exclude this exhibit was denied not because it had any legal effect but because it could be used to show Bancroft's intent
What is Exhibit 8, the holographic will? (Section 7)
This person has actually been living under the streets of pairs this whole time.
Who is Moon (Remy)?
Defense specifically did not plead this kind of defense for Defendant
What is "affirmative defense" (including accident)?
This pull-up changed their major 5 times.
Who is Nicole?
This person broke into one apartment three times "by accident".
Who is Brandon Benjamin?
This person went by the name of Charlie when they were young.
Who is Alexi?
The Court ruled that Alex Silva could provide expert testimony even without submitting this document.
What is an expert report? (Section 4)
According to Order 5, Plaintiff can do this if Defense holds the lack of post-incident photos of Avery Bancroft against Plaintiff
What is inform the jury that such photos do exist, but were excluded because Defense moved to omit them?
The only pull-up with a tattoo
Who is Kaylee?
According to Plaintiffs motion outlined in Section 1, Defense does not have to do this before trial.
What is provide the identity, if any, of any alternative suspect?
What is anything other than age?
This type of witness is recognized in Midlands as having sufficient knowledge and experience to testify as a lay and expert witness (Bonus: Which characters are this type of witness?)
What is a "Hybrid Expert"? (Order 3)
Bonus: Edmund and Haskins
This person learned to ride a bike in 7th grade
Who is Hannah?
This pull up got mugged in New York and lost $300
Who is Edward?
This was the only motion to be granted in part
What is Defense has moved to file the report of Dr. Dana Haskins and all appendices under seal? (Section 3)
True or False: The court affirms that while the holographic will isn't legitimate, it is authentic
False. The Court does not order that the holographic will is legitimate or authentic (Section 7)
The Court cites this case law in affirming that Silva can testify as a witness without an export report
What is Nelson v. Dunn (2001)?
The Defendant waives this if this witness testifying
What is Hopson's privacy interest in Dr. Haskins' appendix materials and Dr. Haskins? (HIPAA)
This person knew an adderall dealer
Who is Edward?