The number of cells produced by meiosis
This person is considered to be the father of genetics
Gregor Mendel
The four main blood types
What are A, B, AB, O
DNA stands for
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
My favorite color
What is purple
These types of cells are produced by meiosis
Gametes or Haploid
This type of allele is catagorized by a captial letter in the english alphabet
What is a dominant allele
This blood type is known as the universal donor
O Negative
The four nitrogenous bases are
Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine
My age
What is 22
This process involves chromosomes exchanging genetic information with one another
What is crossing over
This type of dominance is described by a blending of the two traits
What is incomplete dominance
A person with the B+ blood type could receive a transfusion from the following donors;
B+, B-, O+, O-
RNA contains this base instead of _____
Uracil instead of Thymine
This is my major and concentration
Secondary Education: Biology
Describe the second stage of meiosis
Metaphase - Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell
This is the probabilty of a homozygous recessive child being born to two heterozygous parents
What is 25%
Blood types follow this pattern of inheritance, with ___ being dominant, and ____ being recessive
A and B are dominant, O is recessive
This process converts DNA into mRNA
What is Transcription
One of my hobbies
Gym, Videogames, Art, Music
This type of pasta can be compared to a centriole in shape and structure
What is rigatoni
A father has type AB blood and the mother has type O blood, these are the possible blood types of their children
A or B, but not AB or O
A child has type O blood and the mother has type A blood, making the fathers blood type
O or A
This scientist originally discovered the structure of DNA
Who is Rosalind Franklin
How much I will miss this class