My roommate freshman of college?
Emma Agermo
If I could go live in another country right now, which would it be?
The all around best Taylor Swift album with no skips (to me)
Grade I was in when I had to use crutches?
7th grade
CFA (specifically CFA breakfast)
My favorite candy - you have to guess 2 out of 3 correctly
Sour patch kids/sweet tart ropes/nerds gummy clusters
The first concert I went to? - not Drivin n cryin
Chance the rapper
The worst injury I ever gave Riley
closing the car door on her hand
My first major in college?
The place I want to visit the most in Europe (that I have not already been to)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
The TV show have I rewatched the most?
Career I wanted to have growing up
Physical Therapist
Lowest score in a college golf tournament?
The food I say I hate even though I have never tried it
Beans or mushrooms
Favorite (for the longest period time) alternative band?
The Lumineers
The friend of mine (and her dad) that made me try Bojangels and I ended up loving it
Madeline Hagle
My favorite thing about Young Harris campus
the mountains
If I wasn't having cake for my birthday, what would I choose to have instead?
banana pudding
I was the most depressed after finishing which TV series?
Breaking Bad
The friend I would sneak out of the house with the most