Scientific Revolution
Industrial Revolution

What were main inventions of the Scientific Revolution?

A few main inventions of the Scientific Revolution are the telescope, printing press, and new forms of travel. 

The Scientific Revolution was a period of discoveries in the fields of education, and the innovations created in this time laid the groundwork for modern technology and innovations. 


How did the Industrial Revolution affect urban areas?

The Industrial Revolution caused a large migration into urban areas, creating an increase in urban cities as well as great population growth. 

The new industrial world created by the Industrial Revolution tended to rely on the ability for manufacturing and interconnection that the cities provided. This caused immense migration to find work and to improve industrial capacity. 


What were the primary differences between first and second waves of Imperialism?

There were different motivations, methods, and geographical focuses of each wave of imperialism. 

For example, the first wave was focused on the Americas and the Coast of Africa, while the second wave was focused on Africa and Asia. Additionally, the first wave was motivated by exploration and trade while the second was driven by industrial needs and competiton. 


Who were important thinkers of the Enlightenment?

Some important thinkers of the Enlightenment are Locke, Wollstonecraft, and Rousseau. 

These important thinkers not only provided new ideas unacknowledged by the world prior, but additionally provided the building blocks for the Enlightenment and everything it stands for. 


What causes were similar in all of the Atlantic Revolutions?

All of the Atlantic Revolutions took ideas heavily inspired by the Enlightenment. These ideas were the basis of their fight against the colonizers and pushed them for independence. These ideas were mainly focused on liberty and equality. 

Can you name a few main people in the Scientific Revolution?

A few people from the Scientific Revolution are Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton. 

Individuals such as these played an important role in the advancement of scientific knowledge that was advanced during this time. For example, Copernicus focused on astrology and space, making advancements such as the creation of new models of the solar system. 

How did the Industrial Revolution affect the lower class?

The Industrial Revolution affected the lower class by creating an environment with extremely harsh working conditions while it provided an increase in job opportuntiites. 

The Industrial Revolution created an increase in factory work, which was demanding with low pay and immense heath hazards. On the other hand, it typically allowed for more opportuntities for jobs as it created a demand for labor. 

What was the scramble for Africa?

The scramble for Africa was a time in which European countries brought nearly all of the African continent under their control as parts of their colonies. This was done as a way to have access to the resources needed to facilitate the nation's industrial needs. 

What were the main ideas of the Enlightenment?

Main ideas of the Enlightenment were focused on scientific discovery, the rejection of the authority of religion, and competing economic practices. 

Ideas such as Marxism vs. Capitalism, and Deisim rose, which all put main ideas of the enlightenment to use which were based on the rejection of old traditions and the use of science as the building blocks of the world. 


What was the effect of nationalism on the revolutions?

Nationalism heavily impacted the revolutions, causing an increased demand for self-rule and determination. The idea of a united society based on nationality greatly affected the revolutions as nations who accepted nationalism became unified and wanted to be seen as independent. 


What were the causes of the Scientific Revolution?

There were multiple causes of the Scientific Revolution, including the Age of Exploration, the Protestant Reformation, and technological innovations.

The Age of Exploration caused Europeans to become exposed to new lands and cultures, allowing cultural and intellectual exchanges. These, and the ideas of events such as the Protestant Reformation, pushed the focus on science and innovations as the groundwork for humankind. 


How was the middle class affected by the Industrial Revolution? 

The Industrial Revolution aided in the development of the middle class and caused it's expansion.

Due to the Industrial Revolution, the divide between the upper and lower classes were expanding, which left room for the middle class to rise. This caused an increase in social mobility for those in the class as well as allowed an increase in standard of living. 


What was the effect of colonization on Africa?

The second wave of imperialism brought almost all of Africa under European rule in order to extract resources needed for the Europeans to build their industrial capacities. It created a time of cultural interactions between the two continents. 
What was the effect of the Enlightenment on religion?

The Enlightenment created an environment in which the traditional ideas of the Church were rejected and people focused on science. This caused a decrease in authority held by the Church, as seen in the Protestant Reformation. 


What was the significance of the Haitian Revolution?

The Haitian Revolution was the only successful slave revolt in history. It not only gave independence for those in Haiti from their colonial occupiers, but it also abolished slavery in that area. While initially it increased the demand for slaves as Haiti was a primary port for slaves, it ended up causing an increase in the questioning of the whole slavery system. 

What were the effects of the Scientific Revolution?

The Scientific Revolution caused the advancement of scientific knowledge and the decrease in power and authority of the Church.

The Scientific Revolution caused thinkers and intellectuals to set their focus towards science and knowledge, and away from religion. This caused an increase in science and a decrease in importance of religion. 


How did the Industrial Revolution cause the rise of new ideologies?

The Industrial Revolution caused the rise of many new ideologies due to the disruption of traditional ideas the Industrial Revolution brought. Some of these new ideologies included Marxism and Liberalism. 


What were the effects of colonization on Asia?

Colonization in Asia created a diverse amount of effects. For example, in China, it created the opportunity for Westernization and the decrease in power of China on the world front. On the other hand, in India, the Europeans exploited the land for resources. In some parts of Asia, colonization tended to be economically focused, and in other places, it was focused on cash crops. 


How did the Enlightenment affect revolutions at this time?

The Enlightenment acted as the main inspiration for the revolutions at the time. For example, ideas created in the Enlightenment such as freedom and liberty greatly affected the ideas present in the colonies. These ideas pushed those colonies towards independence movments.


How did the American Revolution act as inspiration to other revolutions?

The American Revolution was the first of the Atlantic Revolutions. Due to this, it acted as an inspiration for other colonized areas to strive for independence. Those in France, for example, saw the success of the Americans, and decided to revolt against their own goverment as well. 


How was the Protestant Reformation connected to the Scientific Revolution?

The Protestant Reformation and the Scientific Revolution both shared common ideas and emphasized the importance of science over religious ideas. 

Both of these events challenged the traditional authorities and wanted a new form of rulership under the support of science and knowledge. 


Effects of factories on the environment and socioeconomic factors. 

The rise of the factory system caused immense effects on the environment such as air pollution and habitat disruption.

New forms of production caused an immense increase in emissions which negatively affected the environment. These effects soon became worldwide and have created issues in the present. 


What were primary resources traded and exchanged in the second wave of imperialism?

The second wave of imperialism focused primarily on raw materials and labor. For example, many imperial powers created cash crops for their colony to create for their homeland. An example of this would be rubber from the Congo. Another form of exchange in the second wave would be labor. New forms of labor such as indentured labor was established at the time, while forced labor was still very big at this time. 


What are a few examples of Enlightenment ideas put into use?

A few examples of Enlightenment ideas being put into use are the Atlantic Revolutions and new ideologies. The Atlantic Revolutions put the Enlightenment's ideas of liberty and equality into use and put them towards freedom. New ideologies such as Marxism heavily tapped into ideas that were expressed in the Enlightenment which created new ways of looking at society and the economy. 

What were three main events/aggressors in the French Revolution?

There were many different important events that took place in the French Revolution, some including the Reign of Terror, the role France played in the American Revolution, and the increase in price of bread. These are only a few of the many events and causes of the French Revolution, all of which signified the rebellion of the Third Estate from the government due to unfair treatment. 
