Death & Taxes
Home Sweet Home
That Crossed the Line
The Car Keys are in the Khakis
5 Things I Hate About You
Repealed in 1766, this British law prompted riots in the American colonies. 

What is the Stamp Act?


The first of these acts was passed in 1765. The second was part of the Intolerable Acts.

What are the Quartering Acts?

King George issued the Proclamation of 1764 in order to make peace with this group.

Who are Native Americans?


Samuel Adams was a prominent member of this resistance group.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This Intolerable Act allowed British officials to be accused of crimes in America to be tried in England.

What is the Administration of Justice Act?


Opposition to the Stamp Act led to the creation of this group. 

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


Instabilities after the close of this war prompted England to leave a permanent military force in the American colonies.  

What is the French and Indian War?


The Proclamation of 1763 drew a line down the Appalachian Mountains to keep English settlers out of territories gained in this treaty.

What is the Treaty of Paris of 1763?


The Boston Tea Party was a protest against this company's increased economic power of the tea trade in the North America.

What is the British East India Company?


Britain cracked down on this colony after the Boston Tea Party , severely restricting their self-representation.

What is Massachusetts?


These acts were passed in England in 1767 and taxed many basic household goods like paint, glass, and tea.

What were the Townshend Acts?


These British subjects resisted the Quartering Act because they believed England had sent the troops to control them. 

Who were the American Colonists.


English settlers believed they were owed the newly-acquired land West of the Appalachian Mountains because of their involvement in this War. 

What was the French and Indian War?


The Sons of Liberty were often called to meet under this.

What was the Liberty Tree?


This act did not directly impact the American colonies, but it granted Canadian colonists more land and provided unpopular protections for Catholics.

What was the Quebec Act?


The Stamp Act taxed paper goods, making life particularly difficult on these two professions.

What are lawyers and printers?


The first Quartering Act, which primarily required colonists to make room for troops in inns, was passed in this year.

What is 1765?

Much of the land England gained in the Treaty of Paris of 1763 had been controlled by this country prior to the French and Indian War.

Who is France?


He was a famous Son of Liberty and a Boston brewer.

Who is Samuel Adams?


This act closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the damages caused by the Boston Tea Party.

What was the Boston Port Act?


These acts increased the power of tax officials and allowed them to search American homes for smuggled goods.

What were the Townshend Acts?


This act expanded the power of the original Quartering Act, requiring American colonists to host British troops in their private homes when necessary.

What was the Quartering Act of 1774?

King George used this group to - sometimes violently - enforce the ban on English settlers West of the Proclamation Line of 1763.

Who was the British Army?


Five American colonists were killed by British troops at a protest that came to be known as this.

What is the Boston Massacre? 


The Intolerable Acts were largely passed as a punishment for this event.

What is the Boston Tea Party?
