Hamilton vs. Jefferson
France and Britain go to War
Whiskey Rebellion
He was Secretary of State
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
George Washington's presidency was during which years?
What is 1788-1796?
State one reason why some people wanted to support France during this time?
Any of the following will be accepted: 1) they helped us during Rev War, 2) we had signed a treaty stating we’d always be friends, 3) We supported their fight for democracy
This product being taxed is what started this whole crisis.
What is Rye?
Define Cabinet
Advisors to the president, selected to help solve challenges facing the country.
He believed in strict construction of the Constitution.
Who is Thomas Jefferson? Bonus: For $100, what does strict construction mean?
Not running for a 3rd term is an example of Washington setting a tradition that is followed by many presidents. What is another word for "tradition, setting an example"?
Geographically, why might we consider it strategically important to support Britain?
Britain controlled the land to the North of the US, and Spain (a British ally, controlled land West and North of US)
What was similar between this event and the events during the American Revolution?
Farmers tarred and feathered the tax collectors, just as people had during the American Revolution, when taxes were considered unfair.
What are 2 differences between Federalists and Republicans?
Federalists -- pro-business, more in North, more power to the Federal government, supported National Bank Republicans -- pro-agriculture, more in South/rural, more power to the states/people, opposed National Bank
He supported the British and recommended to Washington that the US support them during their war with France
Who is Alexander Hamilton?
In addition to stating that political parties were bad for the country, name 2 other pieces of advice Washington gave to the country during his Farewell Address.
1.US should support public education 2. Stay out of debt 3. Stay out of wars; they’re expensive 4. Focus on trade relationships, but stay out of their political business 5. Don’t get too close to other countries;
Identify 2 different ways trade played a role in this event.
1. Both France and England were trading partners of the US and we feared losing them in taking a side. 2. England was our largest and most significant trading partner. 3. In deciding to stay neutral, US basically wanted to maintain both relationships 4. Spain was threatening to close down trade along the Mississippi River/Port of New Orleans if we sided with France.
What role did speculators play in this event?
Speculators bought up many bonds At a low price. Farmers lost a lot of money while the speculators got rich.
What was the budget of the US in the early 1790s?
What is $2,000,000
He said "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
He was Washington's Secretary of War.
Who is Henry Knox.
This is the official name of the document G.W. writes to announce the US decision on what do during this crisis. SPELLING COUNTS!
What is the Neutrality Proclamation
How many troops does G.W. lead to Western Pennsylvania to stop the rebellion?
What is 13,000
He was the Postmaster General in Washington's cabinet.
Who is Samuel Osgood?
He said, Every government degenerates (goes downhill) when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories.
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
This is about how many people live in the US while President Washington is president.
What is 4 million people.
What theme do you think this event is best connected to and why? Be specific!! Pick the STRONGEST theme.
Why is this event so significant to G. Washington's presidency and to the success of the US as a country?
The country comes very close to having a portion of the population refuse to obey the federal law of the land. Could be domino effect, cause instability. Government authority is questioned and if not considered necessary to follow, the future of the democracy is in jeopardy (no pun intended). Also a major test of the authority of the president as Commander in Chief.