Systematic exploration
A strategy used to seek and collect relevant information using an organized, a goal oriented approach
The ability to recognize the similarities and differences between objects, information and knowledge
Appropriate Precision & Accuracy
The ability to carefully collect information to find out that everything is true, accurate, or well defined.
Gathering Information:
The ability to pay attention to the important information, maintain that focus and avoid distractions
Spatial Orientation
the ability to recognize the orientation of objects or persons in comparison to others objects and persons.
Orders, groups, categorizes
the ability to organize a lot of information into different categories in order to remember and understand it more efficiently
Attention to Outcomes & Self-Regulation
The ability to guide their own learning by regulating their behavior.
Precision & Accuracy
Gathering Information
The ability to recollect information carefully to figure out what is true, exact or well-defined
Names, Labels and Concepts
(verbal tools & concepts)
Vocabulary development and expression to describe and understand concepts more efficiently. Labels classify words (names) that facilitate the use of concepts
Inference/Hypothetical Thinking
The ability to make a prediction of a circumstance only using what you have at your disposal (Now that x has happened, then y is likely to happen)
Appropriate Pragmatics
Consciousness of knowing how to communicate appropriately during certain situations or with certain individuals.
Set Goals
Transforming information
the strategies of establishing a direction for your own learning, and creating goals helps select necessary tools or material and important for independent functioning.
Multiple sources of information
The ability to pull out important information by thinking critically - comparing, analyzing, and synthesizing multiple sources of information
Finds connections, relationships
the ability to establish relationships and connections within ideas, events, data, persons, or feelings – to create more significance for learning
Independence, ability to choose / make your own decisions
Transforming information
The development of a plan or map to achieve one's goals
Temporal Orientation
The ability to recognize when events happened in comparison to other moments over time
the ability to mentally visualize images or predict how something will look like without having seen it before
The ability to work in a team, comprehending responsibility and helping team members
Transforming information
the ability to summarize important details from given information