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Commas/Misplaced modifiers

Clothing stores should represent more body types in their retail websites.

Select the piece of evidence that best supports the claim above.

A. Viewing clothing on a variety of models can make it easier for customers determine what will fit them.

B. Advertisers and and clothing retailers often doctor photos to make models appear thinner than they are.

A. Viewing clothing on a variety of models can make it easier for customers determine what will fit them.


Select a synonym for the italicized word below.

The commander's actions during the war were admirable; however, his conduct during last night's meeting was inexcusable.

A. good

B. abominable

C. disappointing

A. good


Which of the following factors MOST likely contributed to the Titanic hitting an iceberg?

A. There was no moon to illuminate the ocean.

B. Warning messages sent from other ships were either never received or ignored.

C. The ship may have been traveling too fast.

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


When identifying a central idea, you should:

A. Make your own opinion based on what you read

B. Just look at the title of the article

C. Pay attention to the 1st and last sentence of the article

C. Pay attention to the 1st and last sentence of the article


There are italicized parts in the paragraph below.  They may contain errors to be corrected, or they may need to be changed for better wording.  If a change is needed, select the correct replacement. If no change is needed, select "No Change."

(15) There is a paved curvy road that leads to the parking lot at the top of Clingmans Dome.  At the top of Clingmans Dome, there is a half-mile walk to (16) a tall concrete observation tower.  Clingmans Dome is also the highest point along the Appalachian Trail.  The trail goes on for more than 2000 miles. Taking up to six months, (17) eager; excited hikers who plant to complete the entire journey in one season usually start in Georgia during the early spring and head north.

A. eager-excited hikers

B. eager, excited hikers

C. eager excited hikers

B. eager, excited hikers


Parents should not post pictures and videos of their children online.

Select the piece of evidence that best supports the claim above.

A. In a recent pole, ninety percent of young adults surveyed said that they use social media every day.

B. Like anyone else, a child has a fundamental right to privacy and security.

B. Like anyone else, a child has a fundamental right to privacy and security.


Select the word in the list that does not belong.

comrade, colleague, antagonist, friend



Based on the paragraph below, how does Kyle feel about A.J.? 

Kyle's music teacher was different from his other teachers. He didn't make Kyle call him "mister" or anything. He just said, "Call me A.J." Soon, Kyle got more comfortable with the trumpet. A.J. would play notes on his trumpet, and Kyle would try to copy him.

A. Kyle thinks A.J. is weird.

B. Kyle likes A.J.

C. Kyle is afraid of A.J.

B. Kyle likes A.J.


Select the word that does not belong in the list:

foreshadow, indicate, signal, detract



Choose the answer that shows an error.

A. If we want more freedom in school we should start being more responsible.

B. During class today, we will play Jeopardy.

C. My favorite colors are turquoise, magenta, lime green, and red.

D. I like to sit down and relax at home.

A. If we want more freedom in school we should start being more responsible.


"It would be wonderful to be a highly gifted child."

What does the italicized sentence above suggest about the author's opinion in the text?

A. Highly gifted children are often praised for their talents and can even become famous.

B. Highly gifted children may experience enormous pressure to succeed in life.

C. Highly gifted children are in Extend.

A. Highly gifted children are often praised for their talents and can even become famous.


Select the word that does not belong in this list: 

dramatic, spectacular, striking, monotonous



The reader can infer that Claudia is not happy to hear that she is going to her grandmother's house. Select the sentence that best supports this inference.

A. "Claudia, Claudia! It is time to get yourself up, Honey." B. The clamor of my mother's incessant knocking on my door rouses me awake way too quickly. C. "We are leaving in fifteen minutes because Abuela is expecting you by nine–thirty," she hollers through my door. D. Do they not realize I have better things to do with my time? E. I reluctantly roll out of bed and trudge to the kitchen to find out what Mom is talking about.

D. Do they not realize I have better things to do with my time?


Read the following sentence from the passage.

As it turned out, some of the 20 lifeboats that were put into use were launched with only a few seats filled.  This is part of the reason that there were only 705 survivors.
Based on the information within these sentences and the information within the passage it is clear that the author feels that:

A. many more lives could have potentially been saved.

B. the owners were correct in their placement of so few lifeboats.

C. identifying the location of the sunken ship was difficult.

D. the reforms that are in place today are due to the untimely death of those who did not survive the Titanic.

A. many more lives could have potentially been saved.


Choose the answer that shows an example of a misplaced modifier.

A. Sally served pizza to the children on paper plates.

B. Sally served the children with pizza, which was on paper plates.

A. Sally served pizza to the children on paper plates.


"You don't need expensive footwear to be good at running.

What does the italicized sentence above suggest about about the author's opinion in the text?

A. Some people drink special shakes or follow certain eating plans to improve their athletic performance.

B. Members of the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico, some of the world's best runners, wear simple sandals. 

C. Expensive footwear increases an athlete's performance, but it's costly.

B. Members of the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico, some of the world's best runners, wear simple sandals.  


Select the best synonym for "crevice."

A. closure

B. crack, fissure

C. solid, agreement

D. mound

B. crack, fissure


Select two sentences that best support the inference that Jane Goodall learned to act like the chimpanzees in order to get closer to them.

A. Goodall capitalized on this chance and expanded further into the lives of the chimps. B. She took her banana–feeding ritual to the next level by mimicking the behavior she observed. C. She ate with them and followed them to various parts of the forest, including up into the trees! D. Goodall was able to spend more and more time with the chimps. E. She soon discovered many behaviors that had never been seen before.

B. She took her banana–feeding ritual to the next level by mimicking the behavior she observed.

C. She ate with them and followed them to various parts of the forest, including up into the trees!


We are excited to tell all students about this year's fundraiser. Instead of asking you to sell magazines or candy, we are holding an online Read-a-Thon!

We can't do this without you. To meet our fundraising goal of five thousand dollars, we need all students to register online and create an account. 

A. The author names a specific figure as a fundraising goal (five thousand dollars)

B. The author tells readers that we can't do this without you and asks them to get started today

B. The author tells readers that we can't do this without you and asks them to get started today


Select the two misplaced modifiers below. Misplaced modifiers are clauses that have been placed incorrectly in a sentence. 

A. After being shrunk in the wash, Lisa's sweater no longer fits her. 

B. After being shrunk in the wash, Lisa no longer fits into her favorite sweater.

C. Playing soccer in the park, Jane was stung by a bee. 

D. Jane was stung by a bee playing soccer in the park.

B. After being shrunk in the wash, Lisa no longer fits into her favorite sweater.

D. Jane was stung by a bee playing soccer in the park.


The author of The Outsiders asks the question of "Why are there segregated groups in school?" Which argument/claim best supports this question?

A. Students who have the same interests makes them want to hangout together more, because they have more in common.

B. Segregated groups don't exist in school. Everyone is friends with everyone. 

C. The more a student hangs around another student, the more likely they are to want to be friends with each other and exclude others.

A. Students who have the same interests makes them want to hangout together more, because they have more in common.


Goodall capitalized on this chance and expanded further into the lives of the chimps.

What does the word capitalized most likely mean? Choose the context clues along with the definition of what capitalized means. 

A. "further into the lives" - to go far away from

B. "expanded further" - to make bigger

C. "on this chance and expanded" - profit, benefit

C. "on this chance and expanded" - profit, benefit


Select two sentences from the text that best support the inference that Jane Goodall made revolutionary discoveries about chimpanzee behavior.

A. She decided to make herself seen to the chimps every morning at the same place, about one hundred feet away from their feeding area.

B. After two years in the forest, the chimps showed no signs of alarm.

C. Even more amazing, some chimps would break the twigs for the purpose of creating a more useful tool.

D. Her technique of naming, instead of numbering, the chimps had never been done before.

E. She identified a simple language with around twenty different sounds that stood for basic words and actions.

F. After thirty years of living among the chimps, Goodall left the forest, but she did not leave the work she loved.

C. Even more amazing, some chimps would break the twigs for the purpose of creating a more useful tool.

E. She identified a simple language with around twenty different sounds that stood for basic words and actions.


What was the overall theme in "Fish Cheeks" (where a girl is embarrassed by her family)?

A. Others are more important than self.

B. Always listen to those with more experience, your elders.

C. Enjoyment comes from sharing with others; it's okay to not embrace your heritage.

B. Always listen to those with more experience, your elders.


There are underlined items in the paragraph below.  Choose the answer that shows an error.

A. If we want free time on our computers during Iready we should pass a lesson. B. Iready can be beneficial in boosting our benchmark scores. C. It's important to focus, and take your time on Iready.

A. If we want free time on our computers during Iready we should pass a lesson.
