What is the date for The Cherokee Trail of Tears
What is the date for Remember the Alamo
What is the date for Westward Expansion?
What is the date for the War with Mexico?
What is the date for '49ers and the California Gold Rush
The Cherokee's were forced to move from where, to where?
From Georgia to the Oklahoma territory.
Who owned Texas before the battle of the Alamo? How many Americans lived there?
Mexico owned Texas and 35,000 Americans lived there.
What term was used for those settlers who headed for California and the Oregon Territory?
In ____________ (year), President _______________ wanted to buy the land that is now _________________________ from Mexico, but Mexico refused to sell.
1846, Polk, California
When was Gold discovered in California and by whom?
1848 by workers building a mill for John Sutter.
In the Trail of Tears, how many people began the difficult journey west? How many completed the journey?
18,000 began the journey and only 14,000 finished the journey.
Who was Santa Ana and what was his response to the people of Texas declaring their independence?
Santa Ana was the dictator is Mexico and he brought an army of 6,000 against the Americans in Texas.
In what did many of the people travel West in, and what were these groups called?
Wagons and wagon trains.
What action did the president take that angered Mexico?
He sent a large part of the U.S. Army to the Rio Grande.
What California city prospered as a result of the gold rush?
San Francisco
What Indian tribe refused to obey the Indian Settlement Act of 1830? What did the government offer to give them?
The Cherokee Indian Tribe. The government offered to give them $5.7 million to move.
What occurred at the battle of the Alamo?
Santa Ana brought 6,000 Mexican soldiers against 200 Americans at the Alamo. The Mexican army killed all 200 Americans.
What did travelers going West endure?
biting cold, burning heart, hunger, accidents and disease
Name three famous Americans who fought in this war.
General Zachary Taylor
Captain John C. (Cena) Fremont
General Winfield Scott
Ulysses S. Grant, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and George McClellan
Why were the people who came looking for gold called the 49ers? How many Americans were estimated to have come?
Because they came in 1849. About 80,000 Americans.
What was the Indian Settlement Act of 1830?
It was an act that Congress passed requiring all Indian tribes to move west.
At which battle did Americans use the cry "Remember the Alamo" to fight and defeat the Mexicans?
The Battle of San Jacinto.
List the four main trails, and next to each one, why people generally went there?
The Oregon Trail - farming and fur trapping
The California Trail - gold
The Santa Fe Trail - to get to New Mexico
The Mormon Trail - to get to Utah
After the U.S. and Mexico signed a peace treaty, what present day states became part of the United States?
California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Texas, Colorado, and Wyoming
What two routes did Americans take to get to California?
They came from the East by boat around the southern tip of South America, across the isthmus of Panama or overland.