This act was a tax on paper documents and newspapers and led to the creation of the Sons of Liberty.
The Stamp Act
Colonists responded to the Tea Act by protesting in this event, which cost the British a significant amount of money.
The Boston Tea Party
This event started the Revolutionary War with the “shot heard around the world.”
The Battles of Lexington and Concord
The name for a colonist that supported the British during the Revolutionary War.
This document officially declared the American colonies’ independence from Great Britain.
This act allowed British soldiers to search a colonist’s home for any reason.
This 1770 event involved a deadly altercation between British soldiers and colonists.
The Boston Massacre
This battle convinced Benjamin Franklin to get France to join the war on the side of the Patriots.
The Battle of Saratoga
A colonist who supported fighting for independence against Great Britain was called this.
The Declaration of Independence defended a person’s right to life, liberty, and ____.
This act placed duties on imported goods like glass, paper, and paint.
The Townshend Acts
This colonial group, led by Samuel Adams, protested British taxation and organized resistance efforts.
The Sons of Liberty
This major British defeat led to the end of the Revolutionary War.
The Battle of Yorktown
The main reason some colonists became Patriots was that they believed in “no taxation without” this.
The peace agreement that ended the Revolutionary War.
The Treaty of Paris
The British gained more control over the Thirteen Colonies after winning this war.
The French and Indian War
The colonists believed it was unfair to be taxed without this.
Benjamin Franklin convinced this country to help the Patriots in the war.
Some colonists remained Loyalists because they wanted to stay under the rule of this government body.
The British Parliament
This British law created a boundary using the Appalachian Mountains to limit colonial expansion.
Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 created a boundary for Great Britain’s Thirteen Colonies using these mountains.
This group of elected representatives met to coordinate resistance against British policies.
This British King was in power during the Revolutionary War.
King George III
This body of elected officials made laws and represented the British people, but not the American colonists.