Created during the Hoover Administration, expanded by FDR.
Helped finance public works, industry, and national defense activities.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)
Offered Americans cooperative savings and loan opportunities, as well as an alternative to usury.
Federal Credit Unions (1934)
Gave the president emergency powers over the US banking system, under which he called a ‘bank holiday’ to allow evaluation of all banks and closure of insolvent ones.
Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933)
Called in all private gold and created a government hoard (Fort Knox).
Gold Reserve Act (1934)
Created the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA).
Gave financial aid to states to support local relief programs for the destitute.
Federal Emergency Relief Act (1933)
Created National Recovery Administration (NRA).
Legalized industry collaboration for price controls and collective bargaining for labor.
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
Helped increase recreational travel & tourism within the United States.
U.S. Travel Bureau (1937)
Created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure personal bank accounts
Separated commercial from investment banking – The ‘Firewall.’
Glass-Steagall Banking Act (1933)
Protected farms from creditor repossession; aided distressed cities and towns; reformed business bankruptcies; created more personal bankruptcy options.
Bankruptcy Reform (1934-1938)
named Federal Surplus Relief Corporation (1933-1935), then Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation(1935-1940)
Distributed surplus food and commodities to those in need.
Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation (FSCC) (1933)
Created Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA).
Introduced measures to reduce crop supply, stabilize prices and support farm incomes.
Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933, Reauthorized 1938)
Under the Education & Civic Engagement
Education infrastructure, innovative ways of learning, and a focus on democracy.
Education Projects (1933)
Insured bank deposits against bank failure, up to a certain level
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (1933)
Restructured and centralized the Federal Reserve Bank.
Banking Act (1935)
Administers the Railroad Retirement Program, as well as many other benefit programs for rail industry workers.
Railroad Retirement Board (1934)
Helped Americans purchase electric appliances; worked in conjunction with the TVA and the Rural Electrification Administration.
Helped Americans purchase electric appliances; worked in conjunction with the TVA and the Rural Electrification Administration.
Under the Education & Civic Engagement
Brought Americans together to discuss current events and problems.
Federal Forum Project (1936)
Offered Americans cooperative savings and loan opportunities, as well as an alternative to usury.
Federal Credit Unions (1934)
Protected consumers from certain rate increases, and also from high-risk speculation activities.
ublic Utility Holding Company Act (1935)
Provided funding for New Deal work agencies, especially the Works Progress Administration (WPA).
Emergency Relief Appropriation Acts (1935-1943)
Greater emphasis on progressive taxation and taxation on wealth; consistent revenue increases achieved.
Income and Wealth Taxes (1934-1941)
Under the Education & Civic Engagement
Produced educational and dramatic films about environmental and socio-economic problems. For more information, see our biography of Pare Lorentz.
United States Film Service (1938)
Created Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Allowed federal regulation of stock trading in public corporations.
Securities Act (1933) & Securities Exchange Act (1934)
Created a national system of pensions, unemployment insurance and aid to mothers with children, and created Social Security Administration (SSA) to administer it.
Social Security Act (1935)