What is Summary of Rev 2-3 ?
The letters sent to the Seven Messengers of the Seven Churches
①What is it that only Shincheonji members know, and ② what is the most advanced knowledge that Shincheonji has in the entire world?
① the prophecy of Revelation and the reality of its fulfillment
② the knowledge about the Book of Revelation
What Chapters are those who are sealed ?
Rev 7 & 14
When does fulfillment of the Book of Revelation begins?
What is Summary of Rev 16?
The Seven Bowls of Wrath
① how the fulfillment of Revelation begins and ② how the fulfillment of Revelation is completed, along with the reference chapters.
① Rev 1, the appointment of the seven stars, who are the seven messengers
② Rev 21, God and the kingdom of heaven coming down to Shinchoenji
In which Chapter & verse did Jesus anointed New John or "Placed his Hand"
Rev 1:17
Where the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation took place?
The Tabernacle Temple below M.T Cheonggye in Gwacheon, Gyeonggi-do South Korea
What is Summary of Rev 15?
The Temple of the Tabernacle of Testimony where all nations will come to Worship.
① What are these two laws? and ② which law brings peace when observed?
①Law of Moses, Jesus’ Law of Freedom
② Jesus’ Law of Freedom
What are two chapters in the Book of Revelation that contain the act of Betrayal by Chosen people?
Rev 2-3 & Rev 13
Who Are the Rulers who sit on the Thrones & Judges?
Jesus 12 Spiritual & physical Disciples
What is Summary of Rev 18 ?
The Marriage with Satan that caused all Nations to fall
In Revelation, there is ① food given by God’s pastor and ② food given by the devil’s pastor. Write what each is, along with the reference verses
① Rev 2:17 hidden manna, Rev 10 the revealed word, Rev 22 the fruit of the tree of life
② Rev 17:2, Rev 18:3 the wine of adultery
What Chapters Reference the Three Mysteries ?
Rev1:20, Rev 10:7 , Rev 17:5, Rev 17:7
What are the contents of the sealed book?
What is Summary of Rev 9 ?
The Locust of the Abyss and the Angels who Sinned
① How many key contents are in the letters sent in Rev 2-3, and what are they? ② List three entities that appear in Rev 2-3 in order, along with their respective actions.
① Three contents: what you have seen, what is now, and what will take place
② Seven messengers: the work of the lamp that prepare the way. Nicolaitans: sacrifices to idols, teachings, and adultery. John: Letters calling for repentance and containing words of promise
Rev 6, 8, 9, 16
What Chapter does God's throne come in the Book of Revelation ?
Mount Zion, Where the 144,000 of the 12 Tribes in Revelation 14 are located