Name the river that St. John baptized people in and what was he wearing?
River of Jordan
camels hair and a leather belt around his waist
What did Jesus say to the man with a withered hand that healed him?
Stretch out your hand
Jesus gave permission to the unlcean spirits (Legion) to enter a herd of?
What did the Jews do before they eat?
washed their hands in a special way
Who did Jesus take with him on a high mountain and showed his transfiguration?
Peter, James and John
In mount Olive, Jesus sent 2 disciples to a village to go get?
a colt tied
Name the last disciple that sat with Jesus on Mount of Olives. James, John, Andrew and ?
hint: They asked Jesus when will this all take place
Who was Jesus delivered to?
How did they get the paralytic inside the house?
Through the roof
Who did the Pharisees join to plot against Jesus for working and healing the man on the Sabbath day?
The Herodians
How many years did the woman have a flow of blood and what healed her besides touching Jesus's clothes?
12 years, her faith
Complete, "Honor your father and your mother; and he who curses father or mother, let him ____ ____ to ______.
let him be put to death.
Who are the 3 tabernacles for that Peter suggested?
Jesus, Moses, Elijah
Complete, __________ , blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
hint: they laid clothes and tree branches on the road
complete, "So when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by ____________?
hint: he is a prophet
Daniel the prohet
What did the crowd cry out when Pilate asked them, What do you want me to do with him whom you call the King of Jews?
Crucify him
What did Jesus say to the paralytic to heal him?
Arise and take up your bed and go to your house
What 2 powers did Jesus give to the 12 disciples when he instructed them to go out and preach?
Heal sickness & Cast out demons
Jesus healed the little girl by saying, "Little girl, I say to you, ________"
Define Corban
a gift to God
Jesus asked the disciples not to say anything about his transfiguration until when?
After he is risen from the dead
Complete, "My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a _____ ____ _______
den of thieves
complete, "pray that your flight may not be in ______
Who did Pilate release from Jail
What descended upon Jesus as he was baptized?
A Dove
What name did Jesus give Simon?
How many loaves and fish did Jesus bless to feed the 5,000 men?
5 loaves and 2 fish
Give me one example that God says defiles a man.
Hint: All these evil things come from within and defile a man.
evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, evil eye. blasphemy, pride and foolishness.
Who comes first?
hint: Scribes asked this question to Jesus
What kind of tree did Jesus curse?
fig tree
Who will we see coming in the clouds with great power and glory?
The son of Man
in what color did they dress Jesus and what did they put on his head?
purple, crown of thorns
What did the voice say from heaven?
hint: "you......pleased"
You are my beloved son, In whom I am well pleased.
James and John the sons of Zebedee were named Boanerges, which means?
Sons of thunder
What did Jesus tell his disciples to do "as a testimony against them" after they left the houses that did not receive them nor hear them?
Shake off the dust under their feet
What did the Greek woman ask Jesus to do for her young daughter?
Cast a demon out
The disciples asked Jesus why they couldn't cast out this particular demon? What did Jesus say
Through prayer and fasting
What answer did the chief priests, the scribes and the elders answer when Jesus asked them, The baptism of John-was it from heaven or from men?
They answered they did not know
Complete, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but My __________ will by no means pass away.
what hour did they crucify Jesus?
the 3rd hour
How many days was Jesus tempted by satan?
40 days
Complete, " If Satan has risen up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but has an ______"
Why did King Herod grant Herodias' daughter a wish?
She danced and pleased him on his birthday
How did Jesus heal the deaf and mute man
Jesus put his fingers in his ears, and he spat and touched his tongue and then looked into the sky and said, BE OPENED
What happens after a man and woman marry?
hint: they become
They become one flesh
How many people did the vinedressers kill that came to collect?
3 people including the son
After how many days it was the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread?
2 days
At what hour did Jesus take his last breath?
the 9th hour
Name the 2 fisherman?
Hint: starts with S & A
Simon and Andrew
Name the missing disciple from the 12?
Simon (Peter), James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Cananite and
Judas Iscariot
Who wanted St. John the Baptist killed?
What did Jesus feed his hungry disciples who have not eaten in 3 days?
hint: fed 4,000 people
7 loaves of bread and some fish
complete, "Therefore what God has joined together, let not man ________
when the woman who married and her husband dies and then she married the 2nd brother and then he dies and then marries the 3rd brother and he dies and she marries the seventh BUT SHE dies, Therefore, in the resurrection, when they rise, whose wife will she be?
no one, they are angles in heaven
In the house of Simon the leper, what did the woman break and what was in it that she used on his head?
she broke a flask that had oil/fragrance
Who asked for the body of Christ?
Joseph the Arimathea
On what day did Jesus enter the synagogue?
Complete, "Assuredly, I say to you, all ______ will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter.
When they saw a him walking on the sea, they supposed it was a?
Jesus told his disciples to beware of?
hint: 2 leavens
Leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod
How many commandments are there and name 5?
Do not commit adultery, murder, steal, bear false witness, defraud, honor your mother and father
In the Book of Moses, in what passage did God say, "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
in the burning bush passage
Complete, "Take, eat; this is my _______"
What side was Jesus sitting when they entered the tomb?
right side
Name the 2nd example that was used?
hint: Old cloth and
Complete, "If anyone has ________ to hear, let him hear"
Jesus walked on water and entered the boat and said to the scared disciples, "Be of good cheer! It is I, do not be _________
How did Jesus heal the blind man from Bethsaida?
spit on his eyes
complete, "with God all things are _____________
complete, "He is not the God of the ___________, but the God of the ____________.
dead, living
Complete, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Take this cup away from me; nevertheless, not what I will, but _____ _____ _____"
what you will
Who did Jesus appear to first when he rose from the dead?
Mary Magdalene, out of whom he casted 7 demons
Complete, "___________ was made for man, and not man for the ___________.
hint: same word
What did Jesus say to calm the storm?
Peace, be still
a lot of people touched Jesus's "what" to get well (healed)
Hem of his garment
When Jesus rebuked Peter, what did he say to him?
hint: after he told his disciples that he will be killed and raise on the third day.
Get behind me, Satan
What did the blind man from Jericho keep yelling to get Jesus attention?
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!
complete, " Sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies your ________"
How many time does the rooster crow? and how many times will Peter betray Jesus?
rooster twice, Peter 3 times
After the Lord spoke to his disciples, he was received up into heaven and what side did he sit down next to God?
the right side